IC2 for minecraft has been updated

thats right everyone the long awaited industrial craft 2 for 1.0.0 has finally arrived get it now at http://wiki.industrial-craft.net/index.php?title=Download#Download

currently runnning my server with buildcraft and idustrial craft :D



Tripsicle98's picture

Whats your ip kippa

Please and thanks

Hashy's picture


Great stuff! Ab0ut time!

n0w I just g0tta g0 thr0ugh the trauma 0f installing it all again.. I think I will wait f0r my new clean OS install bef0re putting it 0n th0ugh, 0therwise ill be d0ing it twice in as many days, s0 I will j0in y0u all 0n there in a day 0r tw0. Enj0y! =)

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