Left 4 Dead Update Released
March 12, 2009, 12:43 pm – Valve – Product Update
Updates to Left 4 Dead have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:
Left 4 Dead
* Fixed sv_search_key appearing in server browser
* Fixed issue where changing the sv_search_key did not update the master correctly
* Fixed master server issue with Linux fork mode that affected availability of Valve dedicated servers
* Tank melee attack can now hit multiple Survivors in one swing
* Missed from the previous list changes: Fixed acheivements to match stats. Past achievements not previously awarded will be shown in the game UI
Where is the DLC?
i want more vs. maps dammit
L4D g0es G0ld 0n Wine
Talking L4D it l00ks like it’s g0ne g0ld 0n Wine
Just keep the Res d0wn :p
Aim t0 try this sh0rtly as s00n as Mandriva 2009.1 is released next m0nth… R the waiting….
If your after L4D c0mmands just PM me and I’ll send them y0ur way.
Aim t0 put up a L4D tweak page up sh0rtly…….
d0n't f0rget 2 Reb00t
Ohh and an imp0rtant reminder 0nce y0u have restarted Steam do a quick reb00t…..
Don’t ask why but you’ll quickly find 0ut if U g0 0nline with0ut this crucial reb00t…..
Why d0n’t they tell ya 2 reb00t ya machine………..
You know damn well why…because when it asks “You must restart the computer, do you want to do it now?” Everyone replies “F**k off”
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