RAGE rAgE RaGe sorry guys my UPS’s have freaked out again
i think the Mumble server is down Hop on IRC i will fix it when i get home after 5
ta Robag
n0 pr0bs…..
Time 4 it 2 be t0wed behind ya car r0bag ?
it was in NZ it would be working mint
Well thank God for RAID Arrays currently down to one drive on my OS raid but all the VM Server seem to be fine I have isolated the UPS so with any luck the Mumble Linux server will be o.k now
Robag attaches Chain to UPS and looks a towball on car
make it run the cross country to work via draging on bitumen
i say again wtf
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n0 pr0bs…..
Time 4 it 2 be t0wed behind ya car r0bag ?
it was in NZ it would be working mint
Well thank God for RAID Arrays currently down to one drive on my OS raid but all the VM Server seem to be fine
I have isolated the UPS so with any luck the Mumble Linux server will be o.k now
Robag attaches Chain to UPS and looks a towball on car
do it robag make that UPS pay
make it run the cross country to work via draging on bitumen
i say again wtf
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