New Mumble Server is up and running

Robag's picture

Morning all

busy day here at the Robag Inc datacenter lol

The new mumble server is up and running. you will need to use the new mumble client version 1.2.2
it can be foud HERE
the details are below

Label: TeamIPX
Port: 64738
Username: Your Name
Password: No Password

New Who’s on page
Mumble Who’s On



Fuzz's picture

Norwegian man gets head stuck in polar bears mouth

Great work as usual Robag.

The new mumble web interface is pretty cool.


They had it coming.

Freaky man

the sound is soooooooooooo clear…koolies

it is da

AWESOME. Robag you da man

Fuzz's picture

I had to access via IP

I had to access via IP address ( My DNS was showing []. That should update over the next few days though.

It does sound so clear… I thought it was good b4.. but this is nuts.


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