Gauntlet Released

Robag's picture

Elf needs food badly! Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment announces they’ve thrown down the gauntlet with the release of Gauntlet, a remake of the arcade classic for Windows PCs. Here’s word:

“This new digital version of Gauntlet innovates on past titles while staying true to the brand’s legendary four-player format,” said David Haddad, Executive Vice President, Publishing Operations, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. “Multiplayer gameplay is at the core of Gauntlet’s appeal and now gamers have the option to play with friends and family locally and online.”

Players select from four classic fantasy-based characters: Warrior, Wizard, Valkyrie, or Elf. Each character has its own distinctive play style and unique strengths and weaknesses. Upon selecting a playable character, the gameplay is set within dungeons where the object is to fight through the chambers slaying evil creatures and completing challenges. An assortment of special items can be located in each dungeon that can restore the player’s health, unlock doors, and shift the odds in the player’s favor with magical relics which can aid the player in surviving longer in the Gauntlet. The enemies are a vast assortment of fantasy-based monsters, including ghosts, grunts, demons, spiders, sorcerers and skeleton warriors.

Players can improve their heroes’ abilities and powers by unlocking achievements called “perks.” Multiple difficulty settings add to the game’s replayability.



linuxslacker's picture

should have a linux version

looks like this will be on linux but not at launch. definitely watching it though

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