i was watching good game (a gaming show “by gamers for gamers”)
and it looks promising
there website is actually down but hopefully it will be up soon
good game review http://www.abc.net.au/tv/goodgame/stories/s3016636.htm
youtube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEsyI895_Io
The game has gone absolutely nuts.
They guy who made, and sells it, has had his paypal account suspended because they got suspicious of the huge amount of money he started making all of a sudden.
I wouldn’t mind giving it a go: it reminds me of “Dwarf Fortress”, but is actually not going to send me three-parts insane just learning the basics how to play it. Hopefully will be online soon so I can sign up.
sucks he has had 1 million dollars suspended, considering the game is only in alpha stages it should be good.
Website back online
http://minecraft.net is back.
Time to give it a go!
(Damn… that website is being crushed)
First time playing... watch this
The best “get going quickly” tutorial I could find:
I’m reading a bit about the upcoming multiplayer stuff: looks kinda awesome.
Capitalism is Fascist..
F**K Capitalism. See what happens? When the little guy makes an h0nest buck, and makes it g00d, y0ur treated like a criminal. That’s capitalism f0r ya, y0u ain’t all0wed t0 make it big unless y0ur a thieving lying criminal scumbag ala wall street bankers wh0 put the w0rld thr0ugh a recessi0n because 0f their 0wn greed. But n000, s0meb0dy makes al0t 0f m0ney h0nestly and fairly thr0ugh HARD F**KING W0RK and y0ur aut0matically SUSPECT. But hey, that’s the w0rld these days, guilty till pr0ven inn0cent. Unless 0fc0urse y0u already make a milli0n d0llars a year ripping pe0ple 0ff, then there’s n0 pr0blem and n0 questi0ns asked.
PayPal f**king sh!ts me 0ff t0 n0 end.
In the money!!
From his site:
“In the last 24 hours … 7132 people bought the game”.
Basically a cool AU$120,000 give or take. In the last 24 hours.
can u get drunk and buy me a copy
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