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Sunday March 11, 2007
Start: 11/03/2007 09:00

Team IPX V Team Other
Score 6(IPX)-5(OTHR)
Date: 11/3/2007
Tenders: Kazashi(IPX) – Ryan, Joel, Hashi (OTHR)
3 Stars: Kazashi(3) Sha8doW(2) Fuzz(1)

Team IPX

Skater stats

Player No# Goals Assists Points Shots Shot % Hits PIM Injuries (minutes missed)
AxeMan 35 1 1 2 ? ? ? ? ?
Fuzz 6 2 1 3 ? ? ? 10 Sprained ankle (0)
Kazozza 3 0 1 1 ? ? ? ? One hell of a blister!(0)
Sha8doW 8 3 2 5 ? ? ? ? Back, hamstring(0)

Goal Tender Stats

Player No# Goals Against Shots Against Saves Save %
Kazashi 13 5 Heaps LOTS MASSIVE

Play by Play

A Sunny Autumn Sunday – a great day for hockey (if the heat stays away). The Game between IPX and OTHR started later then its schedule due to late players.

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