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Thursday November 08, 2007
Start: 08/11/2007 19:30
End: 08/11/2007 21:30

Please make sure you have Vent AND in game voip set up and working beforehand. (Linuxers obviously excused from in game VOIP).

No need to RSVP, turn up if you’re free. If you’re not don’t worry.

I won’t necessarily be able to make it, but I thought I’d organise something for anyone who was able to make it.


  • Fuzz
  • ltmon
  • Chipper
  • n0mad
  • Bloodstorm

Saturday November 10, 2007
Start: 10/11/2007 14:00
End: 10/11/2007 15:00

Please make sure you have Vent AND in game voip set up and working beforehand. (Linuxers obviously excused from in game VOIP).

No need to RSVP, turn up if you’re free. If you’re not, don’t worry.

I won’t necessarily be able to make it, but I thought I’d organise something for anyone who was able to make it.

Tuesday November 13, 2007
Start: 13/11/2007 20:00
End: 13/11/2007 22:00

Please comment below as RSVP / Confirmation of attendance.


Team IPX Confirmed
Sha8doW Yes
Fuzz Yes
Hashy Yes
n0mad Yes
ltmon Yes
chipper Yes
Deviance Yes
ResidentEvil Yes
Thursday November 15, 2007
Start: 15/11/2007 21:30


Team IPX Confirmed AriseAbove+5 Confirmed
Sha8doW Yes AriseAbove ?
Fuzz ? ? ?
n0mad Yes ? ?
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