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Tuesday February 19, 2008
Start: 19/02/2008 20:30
End: 19/02/2008 21:30

We have 9. If anyone doesn’t want to play this week let me know. First person to let me know we can drop off the 9 and have 8. No-one will be a sub, those that don’t play round 1, will play round 2… unless we win round 1 or don’t want to mess with a good thing :) )

Please confirm your availability with a YES or a NO only.


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
1. n0mad Yes Locked & Loaded
2. Hashy Yes Smoke a bowl while you wait
3. Ltmon Yes Nothing planned on any of those days yet. 8 or 9pm probably better than 7:30
4. Haklin Yes I’ll be lock and loaded if needed!
5. Bloodstorm Yes -
6. Fuzz © Yes -
Sub 1. Luckless Yes -
Sub 2. Kazozza Yes Tues is good, might be in Syd on Sun, if not, I’m in for the prac!

Sunday February 24, 2008
Start: 24/02/2008 19:00
End: 24/02/2008 21:00

I’ve confirmed for Sunday based on availability (sorry Hak).

Looks like we’ll have a fair number of players available. Shad, Luckless and Oz get first dibs after kindly sitting out the last one, the remaining 3 spots will be filled by discussion.

Note I (Ltmon) will have to pull out of this one. Luckily we seem to have enough players to make a full team, and HarassmentPanda has already volunteered to take over as captain. Sorry about the inconvenience.


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
n0mad Yes Anyday is Ok, Lets Just get a win ;) / Refinery sounds like the schizzel
Hashy Yes Make sure I have slept the night before…
Bloodstorm Yes Only sunday or monday though
Fuzz Yes In order of prefs Saturday then Sun, then Mon if needed. My votes for refinery too.
Luckless Yes -

Wednesday February 27, 2008
Start: 27/02/2008 20:00
End: 27/02/2008 21:00


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
Fuzz Yes -
Luckless yes should be cool, just have to double check what time i finish at uni
Kazozza No Playing floorball wed night, sorry
HarassmentPanda Yes -
Hashy Yes New (old) RAM kicks arse!
Bloodstorm - -
n0mad Yes Yep Always There
Sha8doW Yep Pinge what do you say?
Haklin Yep i love shooting tw’s
Kazashi - -
Ltmon No-ish Will be gone between 8:30 and 9:30 to pick up missus. WTF is floorball?
Chipper - -

Thursday February 28, 2008
Start: 28/02/2008 18:30
End: 28/02/2008 19:30

Starting Line Up

Team IPX Player Comment
1 Sha8doW© -
2 n0mad Go!
3 Fuzz -
4 Luckless Im in like flin, or something of that nature
5 Haklin all good to go..checked with work and finish early
6 Ltmon -


Team IPX Player Comment
1 Hashy WOOF!


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
HarassmentPanda No Can’t make the match time this time. Should be available for the prac.
Kazashi No TAFE
Bloodstorm No Cant make it that early sorry
Kazozza probably not 6:30? Are they nuts? I can maybe sub if I can get home by then, but I wouldn’t bet on it

Monday March 03, 2008
Start: 03/03/2008 22:00
End: 03/03/2008 23:30

Match Declined due to lack of leadership and interest

Who: Team IPX v RoK (GA Ladder Regulation match)
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Where: TBA
Password: Check your email from GA Gamecreate (otherwise check in IRC before the game)
Referee Requested: TBA
Practice session: TBA
Starting Map: TBA

Please Choose from the Following OPTIONS:

Monday 10:00pm (3 March)
Tuesday 09:00pm (4 March)
Wednesday 08:30pm (5 March)


Friday March 07, 2008
Start: 07/03/2008 20:45
End: 07/03/2008 21:45


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
Sha8doW TBA Captains Call, Availibility depends on day and time – Preference for Tuesday
n0mad Yes Anytime/Anyday I don’t Sleep :)
Haklin Yes Anything after 6.30pm and I’m in!
Bloodstorm Yes Im there
Kazozza Yes Depends on what night, but yeah!
Luckless yes should be ok, but hard to be sure untill we have a time and date
Fuzz No Most likely won’t be available for Friday, sorry. Will try and make it though.
Ltmon Yes Looks likely that I can be there. Pending wifely approval of course.
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

Sunday March 09, 2008
Start: 09/03/2008 20:00
End: 09/03/2008 21:30


Name Willing to be captain for days marked as available? Map Preference Friday@9pm Saturday@10pm Sunday@8pm
Fuzz Yes Valley No No Yes
Ltmon Yes Sewer (bored of Valley) Yes Yes No
n0mad No Valley/Any Yes No Yes
Kazozza No Canyon Yes Yes Yes
Luckless No Any Yes Yes Yes
Bloodstorm Yes Any No No Yes
Hashy No Sewer Yes Yes Yes
HarassmentPanda Yes Volcano Yes Yes Yes


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
Sha8doW Maybe Yes,Valley,Yes,Yes,Yes (if im not in Sydney, will keep updating)

Monday March 17, 2008
Start: 17/03/2008 20:00
End: 17/03/2008 20:59


Name Map Preference Monday@7:30pm Tuesday@8pm Wednesday@8pm Thursday@9pm Friday@7pm
HarassmentPanda Sewer, Volcano, Salvage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fuzz Sewer,Valley,Refinery No Yes
n0mad Sewer,Valley, Salvage Yes Yes
Bloodstorm Sewer,Valley,Area 22 Yes Yes
Kazozza Sewer, Valley, Slipgate Yes Yes
Haklin Sewer,Valley,(don’t mind) Yes Yes No No No
Hashy Any Yes Yes
Luckless any yes no yes yes yes


Team IPX Confirmed Comment

Tuesday March 18, 2008
Start: 18/03/2008 20:30
End: 18/03/2008 21:30


Name Map Preference Tuesday@8:30pm Wednesday@9:00pm Thursday 10:00pm
HarassmentPanda Sewer Yes Yes Yes
Fuzz Sewer Yes No No
Kazozza Sewer Yes Maybe Yes
Luckless Sewer Maybe yes yes
n0mad Sewer Yes Yes Yes
Haklin Sewer lol?:) Yes No Yes
Hashy Whatever Yes Yea Yup
Bloodstorm Sewer smells funny Yup Yup Neg
Ltmon Whatever Yea Nay Aye


Team IPX Confirmed Comment

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