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« Saturday June 27, 2009 »
Start: 27/06/2009 19:30
End: 27/06/2009 22:30

Join Password: bxvwnf

OMG no rest for team IPX some one at MaD has gone MaD, the little hamspter at the GA Challange wheel must be tied :)
please remember to keep all Comms in this challenge page

Table Below

Team IPX Map Preference Availability (Yes/No) Sat 7:30pm Comment
Robag Island Y Y Let’s take MaD to the IPX Madhouse b0000mmm baby :)
n0mad Island Yes Yes Lets r0ck
Microman171 Island Yes Yes Friday and Saturday FTW!
mattatuide island Y Y Dam we pon no pew maD
Kraizen Any Y Y Damn nicotine withdrawals
Somtin Any Y Y Sat 9:30 is perfect for me. Friday would work, but then I’d be playing over midnight..
Rayne Island Yes Yes The mAdness is directed at IPX this week
Willow n/a Nein Nein sob
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