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« Friday July 17, 2009 »
Start: 17/07/2009 21:00
End: 17/07/2009 23:30

OK You know the drill people
all comms kept in this page
thank you all epic game

Robag looks at the new guys 0-0

no forfeit “raaaarrrrwwwrrrwwwwwwww”

le Cap: Rayne
1st Lt : Kraizen

Please put down your availability below as YES or NO


Team IPX Map Chosen Availability (Yes/No) Friday 09:00pm Comment
Robag Area22 Y Y Cheese on toast. RAWR im Robag and i smell funny :P
Kraizen Valley Y Y Cream Cheese on toast. And pizza. mmmmmm pizza.
Willow n/a No N May the force be with you, always
Microman171 Valley Y Y Mmmm, Cake.
mattatuide any Y Y should be out on monday
Rayne Valley Y Y Comment
Ltmon Vally Y Y Sorry, not able to play for this one :Edit by Robag
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