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« Week of May 20, 2012 »
Start: 20/05/2012 20:30
End: 20/05/2012 21:30

Team IPX Overall Match Roster
Players please fill the below Available field out with a simple YES/NO Answer and any Comment.
Team Roster is selected by the Captains 24Hours Prior to the event
Attendance is to be filled in by Captains Post the event.

Team IPX Available Comment Team Roster Attendance
Blood Y - - -
Deadite Y - - -
Delta Maybe Still sick - -
Don N Sorry, notifications not working, missed this one - -
Fishey Y - - -
KillerSL - - - -
Kippa - - - -
Hawkins - - - -
Limpy y - - -
Logan - - - -
Legion - - - -
Matt Y - - -
Micro - - - -
Robag Y - - -
Step Y - - -
Spud Y - - -
Sh8d - - - -
Start: 21/05/2012 20:00
End: 21/05/2012 22:00

Who: Team IPX LoL Gaming Roster
What: Team IPX Practice Session
Date & Time: Tuesday Night 8pm
Captain: Everyone
Where: Mumble and the Interwebs
Stratagies: Ganking, warding, focusing.
Attendance: MANDATORY

DETAILS: Practice sessions will follow a structured format. Practices will be rotated between private pracs working on skills and strats, and scrims against other teams on a week to week basis. We will attend with the attitude to play as a team, work of strategies listen and not muck around. This is non negotiable. eg THERE WILL BE NO Killing mango or Alex DURING THE WARMUPS, Only discussion.

Attendance at the 8PM Tuesday night sessions will be MANDATORY. If you are going to be unavailable you must update the practice attendance table.
You will be assumed to be attending unless otherwise stated along with reason.

We will play with as many players on IPX vs whoever in order to gain knowledge and experiences of EVERY MEMBER

Start: 21/05/2012 20:30
End: 21/05/2012 21:30
Team IPX 21/5/12 – Monday 8:30PM AEDT 10:30pm NZDT Playing
Blood Y -
Deadite - -
KillerSL - -
Kippa - -
Limpet - -
Mattatuide Y -
Leigon - -
Robag N -
StepUp - -
Spudinator - -
Sha8dow - -
Start: 22/05/2012 16:00

As mentioned some time ago, I will be coming to QLD. I have booked the flights and my fly in date is Friday Nov 9th. The girlfriend and I are taking the Friday and morning of Saturday for ourselves, then Im free to come sink a few and meet up with all that are interested. First off, we need to figure out where we are going to do this. I figure start simple and plan up from there. So any input is very much welcomed. As already mentioned, Kippa and Silent are coming over to join us too.

Start: 22/05/2012 20:00
End: 22/05/2012 21:00

Who: Team IPX BF3 Gaming Roster
What: Team IPX Practice Session
Date & Time: Tuesday Night 8pm
Captain: Everyone
Where: Mumble and the Interwebs
Attendance: MANDATORY

DETAILS: Practice sessions will follow a structured format. Practices will be rotated between private pracs working on skills and strats, and scrims against other teams on a week to week basis. We will always play on a PRIVATE booked server. We will attend with the attitude to play as a team, work of strategies listen and not muck around. This is non negotiable. eg THERE WILL BE NO SHOOTING DURING THE WARMUPS, Only discussion.

Attendance at the 8PM Tuesday night sessions will be MANDATORY. If you are going to be unavailable you must update the practice attendance table.
You will be assumed to be attending unless otherwise stated along with reason.

We will play with as many players on IPX vs whoever in order to gain knowledge and experiences of EVERY MEMBER

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