Enemy Territory Wolfenstein turned 10 on Wednesday the 29th of May. Come help us celebrate by joining in the fun! :)
Alright, the last Enemy Territory event was such a success and I had so much fun, I’m making another one, but this time, we’ll be playing campaigns from the two map packs which can be found here:
So without further ado, the table, please sign up everyone, and invite your friends! :)
Go here:
Follow the instructions to install a global id on your enemy territory install. If you do not do this, you will not get xp save!
Name | Attending Yes/No | Comment |
Somtin | Yes | Custom maps guyysss! :D |
Akenn23 | Yes | The first one was a great success! |
Sorry guys, cancelled due to lack of interest
I’m on a roll with these quake 3 total conversion challenges, so I thought I’d keep going.. ;)
First, the table, so you can sign up (for gameplay reasons, really need a minimum of about 10 people to be able to play, really stale game with less than that);
Name | Attending Yes/No | Comment |
Somtin | Yes | OM NOM NOM |
Slacker | Yes | Trem vet incoming … |
Akenn23 | Yes | Yay! Challenges |
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LPS Tournament!
Yep, you heard right, we’re having a last pad standing tournament!
The rules are simple:
Everyone plays every game (or every game you can play)
Last place gets 1 point, 2nd to last place gets 2 points up to first place who gets the amount of points equal to the number of players.
Points add up over the night, for how ever many games we get in over a 2 hour period. (This could change depending on interest)
First place gets a virtual car!
Second place gets some virtual bacon!
Third place gets a virtual goat!
I might have a prize for the person on the night who stands out to me. (I’ll see what I can scrounge up)
Sign up below, lets have some fun! (:
Name | Attending Yes/No | Comment |
Somtin | Yes | Lets go! |
MM | No | End of semester party :) |
Fuzz | No | At the Ice Hockey!! |
Awesomenauts! For those who don’t know what it is, see the game page.
It’s available on steam for $10 and if you’re fast (10 hours left at the time of posting this) you can get the humble bundle 8 and get Awesomenauts plus about 10 other games for around $7
Now this is a bit of experiment as I’m not sure how I’m going to do this, hence the large amount of time until the challenge date. The problem is that Awesomenauts is restricted to 3 vs 3 and so only 6 people can play at a time. So, if for example we have 12 people who want to play, this works out great. 4 teams of 3, swapping between each other going at it. If we have less, we’ll have to figure something out with bots filling the gaps. In any case, a show of hands of interest is required! If you can’t make it for some reason other then lack of interest, please mention that so I know that you’re interested, but just can’t make it.
Without further ado, the table;
Name | Attending Yes/No | Comment |