Minecraft world log

ltmon's picture

Just thought I’d start this. It’s worth everyone knowing what the other players are currently up to on our Minecraft server… to help them or at least not steal their resources :)


ltmon's picture

What I'm up to

Currently mining the lowest levels, down near bedrock. If you find my mine entrance (hint: it’s well lit!) then come and join me :) I’m “strip mining” by digging tunnels back and forwards in a grid-like manner. Currently working on two levels: just above bedrock and 10 above that. Careful of magma, it keeps getting me by surprise, especially on the lowest level.

I’ve grabbed heaps of redstone, a bit of gold and a bit of diamond from the mine. Mostly I just drop in the chests in the main mine lobby, after smelting.

Also building a minecart track, that will eventually connect the spawn point to our base. I’ve stolen a whole lot of iron for that, so I’ll get back to mining in order to replace it :)

to prevent magma

try not digging lower then 5 blocks from the last lv of bed rock

Microman's picture

MM's Redstone experiments

I am right into electronics as a hobby, and have been very interested to try this out. Today I built a safe (combination is on the door).

I also like building traps. There are two so far, both of a very similar design (the wide one is a spider experiment). If you do get stuck in one by mistake, mine the block in front of you that hold you underwater, and then replace it. To use the trap, get a mob to follow you, and lead them into it (walk over towards it, then quickly run around it to the other side so that try to walk to you, and fall in). Then find the stairs down to it, and look for any loot they might have dropped. I twill float down-stream.

Lastly, I’m looking for a map editor, so I can try to make some of our changes permanent, so that we can have sections of map that can’t be mined (like the safe I built), and Hashy’s tower. It’s easy to cheat in this game (like me changing the time to morning so that we can lead newbies to the base (map editor will mean I can move the spawn point). We need to draw the line somewhere I suppose. Otherwise it will take the fun out of it :-) For example, I could turn monsters off if I wanted, but I think that’s a bad idea :-P

The endless caverns 0f d00m..

What is dubbed the “new mine” is actually built up0n a netw0rk 0f caverns which we were f0rtunate en0ugh (0r unf0rtunate depending 0n h0w 0ften y0u get l0st…) t0 find. It appears t0 g0 0n f0rever and I am still expl0ring a large subsurface magma p00l..

h0t tip when w0rking near lava and high falls: h0lding d0wn “sneak” default left shift key will all0w y0u t0 “hang 0ver” the sides 0f bl0cks with0ut falling.. But becareful! d0n’t let g0!


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ltmon's picture

Lots of digging... and building walls of glass

I’ve concentrated my mining at the far end of our new tunnel, and gotten a heap of resources out.

I’ve also started blocking off areas we aren’t actively working on with glass walls. This should allow us to more easily navigate. When you want to close a section of mine down, just wall it off. Walling off unexpected caverns helps to keep the creeps to a minimum as well. Using glass still allows us to see for when we want to reopen it all again.

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