Padman Photo Shoot V2

n0mad's picture

Rumor Hashy and n0mad are planning a new Photo Shoot………

More details to follow… WATCH THIS SPACE


Hashy's picture

Anteroom I reckon, just

Anteroom I reckon, just theres n0 mirr0rs =(

Fuzz's picture

woo hoo, new photo!

woo hoo, new photo! Hopefully we get in all the new guys too.

You guys planning this for Friday?

n0mad's picture

Not this Friday, Just a

Not this Friday, Just a quick game to C the turn out….

Ph0t0 Sh00t will be s00n th0


n0mad's picture

Padman Photo Shoot this Friday 05/09/08

Just A reminder this Friday in Padman will be out Team IPX Photoshoot
so be there……………

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