WETTITS Final Tonight Changed to 9:30pm
Apologies to All IPX but Tonight’s WETTITS Final will be played from 9:30pm
4 Members are running Late and a decision to move it later had to be made
On a positive note all members of t0night’s game will be eligible to win the WETTITS Prize
So Sc0ut Spudinator Proton Rifle there’s still time to be in it to win it.
Server is booked for 8:00pm so Prac will still start but official final is now starting at 9:30pm…
Thank you for your understanding……..
makes it 11.30
for me, does et have auto shoot and auto run, might not make it, to many late nights this week getting owned by robags carl and mats suss sniping on BAD COMPANY 2.
for moving the start time to accommodate the late joiners. Much appreciated.
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