g00d m0rning fell0w IPXers…….
WOPIT#2 is 0nly a few days away and the f0ll0wing Members have n0t signed up,
Cheesy, Deadite, HarassmentPanda, Kazozza, Kerrien, Killer, Milzy, Sc0ut, Spudinator & WickFi5h
All that we (The BoD) ask 0f y0u is t0 advise if you wish t0 play, Padman is a great game and the TEAM m0de we are playing is s0 much fun and you may be surprised how much fun Padman can be and it’s FREE…
Als0 we plan 0n having a TEAMIPX ph0t0sh00t during the t0urnament s0 again we w0uld like t00 see y0u all there…..
So we ask y0u again, please advise if U can play s0 we can ch00se the teams…..
And d0n’t f0rget the winner will receive a great prize….
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