New Honorary Members - Sc0ut

This bulletin is t' inform ye that Team IPX BoD have inducted Sc0ut into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks, Ya lily livered swabbie, I'll warrant ye!

Forthwith th' above mentioned player(s) be affiliated with Team IPX an' be free t' use any o' th' IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayin's or th' – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gamin' under th' guidelines o' rule 17.
Please make th' new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gamin' roster is as follows:
Bloodstorm – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Crazy_As – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Kippa – IPX
Kraizen – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
Mattatuide – IPX
Microman171 – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Nestern – IPX
Rayne – IPX
Robag – IPX
Sc0ut – IPX
Silentshadow – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Somtin – IPX
Spudinator – IPX
Willow – IPX

The Uber Wookiee Dropped By t' Tear th' arms off a droid an' leave ye a message:
ye can read Wookiee right

ohwoanoaooscwo coaoohuao aooo aoacwo rcrawhorc ooww aoworasc – ahakk

Smokin Guns this Tuesday 26/01/2010

With th' success o' Last Tuesday’s Smokin Guns Tuesday 19/01/2010 an' since we be still a few weeks from finalizin' th' IPX W:ET Server (Sorry MM) (Gave U an0ther Week Robag :P)

We wish t' advise all IPX that next Tuesday 26/01/2010 will be Smokin Guns Tuesday
All files an' info can be found here

Also since Ltmon had a great notion t' get us into a 4v4 bank robbery round we will have that setup ready t0g0 fr0m th' start….

s0 saddle Up, Put ya chaps 0n an' start takin' 10 paces

s0 thanks again t0 Robag f0r h0stin'
Note: Please type “ThanX Robag” when connectin' t' th' Server as U may get auto kicked :P

Cya’s in thar…………..

Team IPX in 2009

m0rnin' All,

Well what a year fer Team IPX in 2009 we have achieved so much thanks t' th' contributions o' all.

Termination – DJBBQ

mornin' All,

The followin' person(s) has been terminated an' is/be no longer affiliated with Team IPX


The reasons fer th' terminations be based aroun': Lack o' contribution t' th' team.

Team IPX

New Honorary Members - Crazy_As

This bulletin is t' inform ye that Team IPX BoD have inducted Crazy_as aka Mrs.Mattatuide into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.

Forthwith th' above mentioned player(s) be affiliated with Team IPX an' be free t' use any o' th' IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayin's or th' – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gamin' under th' guidelines o' rule 17.
Please make th' new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gamin' roster is as follows:
Bloodstorm – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Crazy_As – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Kippa – IPX
Kraizen – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
Mattatuide – IPX
Microman171 – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Nestern – IPX
Rayne – IPX
Robag – IPX
Silentshadow – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Somtin – IPX
Spudinator – IPX
Willow – IPX

The Great hairy one wanted t' say a few words:

New Honorary Members - Spudinator

This bulletin is t' inform ye that Team IPX BoD have inducted Spudinator into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks. Fire the cannons!

Forthwith th' above mentioned player(s) be affiliated with Team IPX an' be free t' use any o' th' IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayin's or th' – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gamin' under th' guidelines o' rule 17.
Please make th' new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gamin' roster is as follows:
Bloodstorm – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Kippa – IPX
Kraizen – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
Mattatuide – IPX
Microman171 – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Nestern – IPX
Rayne – IPX
Robag – IPX
Silentshadow – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Somtin – IPX
Spudinator – IPX
Willow – IPX


The BoD
Team IPX

Promotion to Member - Mattatuide

This IPX bulletin is t' inform th' Team that Mattatuide has been promoted t' th' status o' “Member” by th' BoD fer services performed fer Team IPX.
Mattatuide has been with th' team fer 28 weeks now an' in that time has served us as a Cap'n an' Organizer in th' QW ladder an' has set a good example fer th' team.

The almighty Chewbacca wanted this message passed on t' Mattatuide:
oaoowhrrrcraaohuanraaoahoowhc scraaoaoraaohuahwawo,
rooohu scraorwo aoworasc ahakk akrcoohuwa.
rooohu rarcwo rawh wokrascakanwo aooo raanan aoacoocwo acoowhoorcrarcro scwoscrhworcc ohacoo ohahcac aooo acrahowo aoacwo aoahaoanwo ooww scwoscrhworc aooo rhwo rhwocaoooohwowa huakoowh aoacwosc.
orwowoak huak aoacwo rroooowa ohoorcor.

Congratulations Mattatuide. Keep up th' good work.

In other news, Team IPX Merchandise Orders have flowed in an' th' First Order will be placed next week.

Team IPX

Additions to the Board of Directors

Good Mornin' IPX

Notice t' all

Robag an' n0mad have been added t' th' BoD t' support Fuzz an' Sha8doW.


New Honorary Members - Kippa & Silentshadow

This bulletin is t' inform ye that Team IPX BoD have inducted Kippa an' Silentshadow into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks.


Forthwith th' above mentioned player(s) be affiliated with Team IPX an' be free t' use any o' th' IPX trademarks, Symbols, Sayin's or th' – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gamin' under th' guidelines o' rule 17.
Please make th' new Honorary Member feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gamin' roster is as follows:
Bloodstorm – IPX
Chipper – IPX
Fuzz – IPX
Harassment Panda – IPX
Hashy – IPX
Kippa – IPX
Kraizen – IPX
Ltmon – IPX
Mattatuide – IPX
Microman171 – IPX
n0mad – IPX
Nestern – IPX
Rayne – IPX
Robag – IPX
Silentshadow – IPX
Sha8doW – IPX
Somtin – IPX
Willow – IPX


Team IPX

Thanks Pinge!

Team IPX would like t' formally express its gratitude t' GA GameOp Pinge fer service rendered t' th' ETQW community.

Pinge has always done his utmost t' provide a friendly an' competitive gamin' environment fer us all t' enjoy. The ornery cuss has handled th' disparate etqw community in a fair an' professional manner, Hornswaggle On numerous occasion members o' IPX have had good reason t' be thankful t' that scurvey dog fer fixin' a broken server, amendin' settin's an' a myriad o' other thin's where he has provided efficient an' effective support.

In his time Pinge has had t' put up with more than his fair share o' grief from th' chunts, frenchies, kknobs, Norwegians, numptys an' vvankers that abound in on the plank gamin' communities. In managin' th' demands o' such undesirables Pinge has retained his dignity an' demonstrated his professionalism. This can not have been an easy task, ye scurvey dog. IPX has great respect fer a lubber who calls thin's as he sees them an' acts accordingly!