Shock loss: Team IPX taken to the cleaners by relative unknowns "RoK"

In a titanic battle, an' underdone Team IPX found themselves outmatched by a fightin' fit Regiments o' Khaos in th' GA ETQW tournament, I'll warrant ye. The final score o' 4 – 0 didn’t do justice t' th' blood, sweat an' tears poured into th' struggle by IPX members against all th' odds. After th' victory, RoK is favourite fer takin' th' gran' final against a competition that just doesn’t exhude th' same class. Read on after th' break fer more…

IPX Newsletter 6 - November 07

Greetin's an' welcome t' th' November Edition o' IPX news.

The followin' issues be addressed in this bulletin:

  • New Honorary Members
  • Termination o' non contributin' members
  • Tournament Update – no forfeit

ET:QW GA Comp: Team IPX storms into the second round unopposed!

Team IPX storms into th' second round o' th' GameArena Comp… due t' a bye.

Outstandin' work all. Let’s take this commitment into th' second round against “Regiments o' Chaos”

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Tournament at GameArena

For those who haven’t seen in th' forums, GameArena is runnin' an Enemy Territory: Quake Wars competition an' callin' fer registration now.

Team IPX will be enterin' a team :) Although we don’t expect t' be in th' hunt fer th' gran' prize o' $10,000 it will be a good opportunity t' make th' most o' a great game we’ve all pretty much paid fer an' t' show off our awesome hockey skills.

The format o' th' tournament is 8v8, playin' best-o'-3 stopwatch rounds, yo ho, ho It will be a knockout/elimination contest, with a full schedule t' be determined once registrations be complete. Full details be available at

If ye haven’t already registered with GA, do so NOW an' join Team IPX fer this tournament. Even though it is 8v8, substitutes be allowed betwixt rounds an' betwixt matches, so thar’s no excuse fer not registerin'. Fire the cannons, Ya lily livered swabbie! Havin' a few more than 8 will allow us t' keep playin' even if Real Life ™ rears it’s ugly head fer some, an' some o' us more noob players be more than happy t' share our spot in th' team if we have more available.

Shad is our official team Cap'n fer th' tournament, an' will be handlin' th' administrative details, contact with GA etc, ye scurvey dog. etc.

Note: As o' 2 minutes ago we now have th' requisite 8 players registered an' be qualified t' enter. But as I said, keep ‘em comin'!

New Honorary Members - September 07

Team IPX foundin' members have inducted th' followin' players into The Team IPX Honorary Membership ranks:

  • Haklin – IPX
  • n0mad – IPX
  • XViper – IPX
  • Firestorm – IPX

The above mentioned players be affiliated with Team IPX an' be free t' use any o' th' IPX trademarks, symbols, sayin's or th' – IPX “Jersey suffix” while gamin' under th' guidelines o' rule 17.

Please make th' new Honorary Members feel welcome.

The Current IPX Gamin' roster is as follows:

  • Chipper – IPX
  • Deviance – IPX
  • Firestorm – IPX
  • Fuzz – IPX
  • Haklin – IPX
  • Hashy – IPX
  • Kazashi – IPX
  • Kazozza – IPX
  • Ltmon – IPX
  • N0mad – IPX
  • Sha8doW – IPX
  • Sir Draco – IPX
  • XViper – IPX

Team IPX

PROMOTIONS for ltmon and Chipper

Team IPX held a ceremony on Friday 14th September. Honorary Member ltmon an' Chipper where both presented with full Team IPX membership an' Official Members jerseys by th' Almighty Chewbacca in a scene reminiscent o' STAR WARS “a new hope”
With Chewbacca’s roar th' Team IPX Founders & Members erupted in cheer.

ltmon an' Chipper o'er th' last 6 months have displayed exemplar performance as Team IPX Honorary Members. Shiver me timbers! Fetch me spyglass! Fuzz, Foundin' Member o' Team IPX, said “Without them both, would not have been possible” “They have gelled well with th' Team IPX environment an' thar gamin' skills be fantastic” said, Foundin' Member, Sha8doW

ltmon an' Chipper were also presented with a limited Edition bottle o' Team IPX Red Wine, which is han' made in th' Sha8doW Family vineyard.

“It Validates me life” said Ltmon in his acceptance speech

“It great t' feel Appreciated” said Chipper t' th' cameras on his way back t' th' Team IPX vehicle. goes live!

After months o' plannin', late nights, lots o' $ an' a nasty Jamaican, Team IPX has finally moved from Wetpaint t' its very own hosted website,

It were bein' a team effort, but special mention must go t' Fuzz fer his diligence in gettin' a pack o' lazy sobs into action.

The new site has lots more t' offer ontop o' th' auld site includin':

  • Blogs, so ye can hear an' comment on all th' rants that we offer.
  • Forums , so we can have great discussion.
  • RSS feeds t' keep up with th' latest content th' easy way, by Davy Jones' locker. Click below an' subscribe t' some o' our feeds in yer favorite newsreader / aggregator:
  • Earn Svalbards fer contributin' t' th' site
  • Constantly updatin' news from Svalbard.
  • Team IPX has its own IRC Channel on Gamesurge.
  • Traditional Hockey, Gaming, Treks an' IPX related paraphernalia.
  • an', o' course, th' new site will continue with all th' Svalbardian comedy that ye have all grown t' love!

The new site is runnin' on Drupal, an' o'er th' comin' weeks an' months will be further refined, so if ye have any ideas or comments let us know.

IPX News Edition 5 - Welcome New Honorary Member: Deviance

Greetin's an' welcome t' th' 5th Edition o' IPX news.

Team IPX is proud t' welcome Deviance t' an Honorary Member trial. We have been nothin' but impressed with both his form an' conduct in ET. The ornery cuss is a top medic an' has already shown his skills in game with th' team.

Welcome Deviance.

Remember Team IPX be recruitin' an' be lookin' fer more quality team players. If ye be interested in becomin' an honorary members see here.

IPX News Edition 4 - The Sha8doW family welcome baby boy Sha8dow!

Greetin's an' welcome t' th' 4th Edition o' IPX news.

Team IPX is proud t' congratulate Sha8doW an' Mrs Sha8doW on th' birth o' their first child. “Sha9doW” (as his codename currently stands) were bein' born on th' 12th at 9:35PM after a 13 hour labour. The ornery cuss weighs 3685g an' is 51cm tall. Baby mother an' father be all doin' well but need their rest.

p=. Sha8doWs baby representin' IPX in true fashion by wearin' th' Trademark Team IPX colours

IPX News Edition 3 - Admins change custom server maps

Greetin's an' welcome t' th' 3rd Edition o' IPX news.

Due t' th' recent “decisions” an' “changes” made on th' Custom Node ET server… IPX has called fer a CALL TO ARMS fer all those who want t' make a peaceful protest.
8pm EST friday 1st June…, on a dead man's chest, by Davy Jones' locker! everyone who wants th' OLD maps put back LOGON t' node 1 an' make yer voice heard!