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Revision of Best place to live... from Tue, 06/10/2009 - 11:48

Fuzz's picture

AUSTRALIA has the second best quality of life in the world

2nd? Not bad. Behind Svalbard surely…

Norway is the only place in the world better than Australia

WTF? Norway?? Screw Norway!

I almost choked on my Svalbard Pops when I read that.

I can only assume they’re talking about Svalbard, given Norway owns (stole) it. Norway indeed….

For more information about Svalbard, and Norway’s evil rule – see Where the hell is Svalbard


n0mad's picture

Fuzz y0ur Expertise

I think I sh0uld highlight this page here
Best place to visit around the world
The best destinations around the world you must visit in your life time.

At the bottom is a PDF File entitled
Polar bear safety at Svalbard

Fuzz, as all kn0wing wise man 0f Svalbard I think this site needs sum investigation especially sum of the text within this PDF

Always have a sufficiently powerful weapon at hand when travelling in Svalbard outside the settlements. Be prepared to scare away approching bears using a scaring device

Ie reading further on y0ur Scaring device is a gun, Hey Mar I was just scaring the little Bear away and everythink went red……

But seriously I just want to go there to setup camp and follow Page 5 steps and

All camps should be surrounded with trip wires

Ok I know I am laughing this up but Polar bears can be Man Eaters and I feel that I should also follow these steps;

Another good solution is to have a revolving guard system,

Seri0usly this is vital reading……..


Microman's picture


Hey maw, while scaring the bear away, I hurt ma showlder…

“A high powered big game rifle (calibre .308 win, 30-06 or heavier) is the best weapon for protection against polar bears, and hunting cartridges with expandable lead core bullets are the only recommended ammunition. The only alternative weapon is a pump action shotgun with rifled slugs (calibre 12); such a weapon must be able to accommodate at least four cartridges in the magazine.”

To expand on the tripwire deal: “In Svalbard, a system where the wire is connected to a flare (that explodes and burns with a bright light) is most frequently used.”

“If forced to shoot a polar bear, aim at the chest or the shoulder.” Included next to a picture… This shit is serious!

Fuzz's picture

Polar Bears

That is a pretty amazing read… Quite an indepth guide on how to keep yourself safe from polar bears. The trip mines er wires and and the exploding shells were quality. The picture of the man with his hand up a polar bear was NOT!

I’m with n0mad – this is required reading for all IPX. It is gold!

n0mad's picture

Maybe a new Rule Fuzz ?

Amazing Stuff, I just like the idea that while visting you gear up, make shaw U know how to use a gun and making trip mines is a must.

I find it all funny stuff…..

Maybe a new rule setting this PDF to compulsory reading by all members…..


Robag's picture

Fun Facts by Robag

Polar Bear Facts / Norwegians’
• An excellent swimmer; considered a marine mammal as it spends most of its life on sea ice and feeds at the top of a marine food chain/ Norwegians’ smell like Fish and garlic which would make them fine dining for a polar bear
• Feeds almost exclusively on ice-living seals / Norwegian have the 2nd most expensive beer price in the world per pint
• Can survive up to 8 months without eating / Norwegian can’t survive more than 2 hours without eating a baby seal
• Can easily walk over 5000 km a year / Norwegian can’t get off his/her couch and move 2 feet to change the channel on the TV
• Moves quickly, reaching a speed of more than 30 km/h over short distances / A Norwegian top speed is 160km/h only when he/she is falling to their well deserved death at the bottom of an ice shelf
• Has a well developed sense of smell / Norwegians’ have no sense of smell due to the fact that they sweat fish oil and garlic juice
• Typically weighs 400-600 kg. Males are larger than females / The heavies recorded wait of a Norwegian was 260KG he had only managed to eat half of the polar bear before he was shoot buy another hungry Norwegian
• Cubs weigh only about 600 g at birth / ow and by the way SCREW NORWAY


Fuzz's picture


Needs to be added to Induction for new members. 1

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