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Revision of Modern Warfare 2 from Sun, 15/11/2009 - 22:19

For the last few days I have been playing this game. I loved the first one but I have to say this one blows it out of the water by miles. It is a truly fantastic game.
The gfx are top notch, It has a gripping story line and you get to do all sorts of crazy things like climbing and ice cliff, riding a snow mobile. Once you have finished the story its not all over there is a couple dozen single missions you can do with a friend or own your own some of which are very challenging. It also has a very enjoyable multi-player aspect with several different game types like deathmatch. capture the flag and many others.

Rating : 9/10 blood drops

Here are some screenies.

A Friendly claymore setup.

mmmm silenced 50 cal barett

Most knife kills :D


Robag's picture

owwwwwww nice

love your work Blood

is the multiplayer laggy or is it good


Hashy's picture

Getting it today

Will be getting it today for the PS3. Last purchase for the console for me.

One of those purchases where you know before hand you havnt completely wasted your money.

If I sleep.

Somtin's picture

I loved Modern Warfare 2, so

I loved Modern Warfare 2, so I’m really looking forward to playing this.

I especially liked the stealth level on the first Modern Warfare, and by the looks of those screens…. drool

On that last pic.. oh noes, theres a gun floating in mid air! :D

Na not laggy

The multi player system put you in games with others around the same ping so its not laggy at all


There is also a couple of missions where you are in a blizzard and ya have to be sneaky sneaky

Fuzz's picture


Love the reviews as always Blood. Great work.

It really looks like a great game. Most knife kills while flying the IPX flag, nice. Ability to shoot while on a motorbike, even better.



and its a auto glock to which makes it more fun, not a motorbike its a snow mobile.
Jeez motorbikes are sooo last year

Also in the pic where ive pulled the gun on snow mobile ya notice the screen looks a little bloody, thats cos ive been hit. Normally you can take a couple of shots before you die(depending on the weapon used to shoot you) after you get shot your screen gets more and more blood on it till ya die.

sounds good

i’ll wait a little to the price comes down, but it sounds like a decent competitor to the good old MOHAA: Single player, check; Skirmish Modes, check; Multiplayer?, check.

Been wanting a good storyline shooter for a while.

nw blood

n0mad's picture


PS3 vs PC ?

32 players in PC Version ?

Activision at the helm I C


Hashy's picture

Got it (PS3).

Got it today for PS3 ($79) to share between me and a couple other friends. Only played the offline split screen so far. We intentionally steered clear of the single player campaign for now, were reserving that all for our own time, il get the disc next week for that. Also tried that third mode thing.. What was it? Special ops? Did that too with the split screen. Its the co-op mode for it, basically. With World at War (COD5) they had a few of the missions from the single campaign that you could play with the co-op split screen, but they did announced awhile back that they wouldn’t be doing that for Modern Warfare 2. Fortunately they did include the special ops mode in there so there was still some sorta split screen with co-op mode, instead of just normal split screen, 2,3,4 player ( which we always play anyway.. why co-op when you can… blast the sh!t out of each other?).

Must say it is nice. They didn’t fu*k the game basically by trying to do anything fancy or over the top. They know they’ve had a good game model since ( atleast as far as i know), Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Better graphics, and a few tweaks to the gameplay that just make it all sweeter. Some sequels ive played have tried to go over the top. Here they just made the standard improvements, aswell as the additional things here and there that they could have done in the first place. It feels the same, but you know its not, if you know what I mean?

Anyway. With the multiplayer split screen atleast, the texture quality wasnt.. Super super SUPER OMFG better then COD4/COD5/CODLIVER, but, I would describe, “visibly clearer”. Higher model details, larger maps with more stuff in it, nooks and crannys, ect, and plenty of glass too, aswell as I guess, more of a high definition quality of colour too, i think are more the aspects that make its “better graphics”.

However too, I do know that so much of the improvement to the game overall will be the single player campaign and its gameplay too… Snow skis, climbing glaciers or ice cliffs with picks… drools…

I need a rest, haha, night.

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