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Revision of What's Panda Been Up To? from Wed, 17/02/2010 - 08:37

HarassmentPanda's picture


n0mad's picture


I t00 like the idea 0f p0wer ups t0 enhance ya sc0pe and maybe increase the weap0n spread ?
Maybe even 1 f0r a different Weap0n all t0gether like a r0cket Launcher :P

c0uld U add a level t0 kill n0rweigns ?


HarassmentPanda's picture


I’m going to have a look in to this, I’m thinking grenades or some sort of colateral damage, limited fire, weapon.

Level for Norweigens? Hmm. Probably wont fit the timeline but how about we just do an IPX branded game instead?

n0mad's picture

IPX Game

s0unds like a g0………..

Maybe even a P0ll t0 what we w0uld like t0 include in the IPX Game ?


HarassmentPanda's picture

I'm sure

That there is an old post lying around on the site somewhere about this. Wasn’t Hashy talking about this a while ago? Maybe an issue for it? But I can’t find it atm.

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