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Revision of League of legends from Fri, 04/06/2010 - 10:14

Me and kieran well kieran found a game called league of legends, Its bits and pieces of another games mashed together, like torchligth battlefield heroes, age of empires, and tower defense.

Players are put into 2 even teams with 1-5 champions on each team. Each team starts at opposing sides of a map, at a “Nexus”. A match is won when either the opposing team’s Nexus is destroyed or the other team surrenders. To destroy a Nexus, each team must work through a series of towers called “Turrets”. Turrets are placed along a path to each base. Along the way, each player gain levels from killing the opposing team’s “Champions” and “Minions” which are little npc’s that spawn at 30 interbels and killing random monsters some of which give you power ups. Also champions purchase “Items” with gold to improve their champion. In League of Legends, each player starts at level 1 at the beginning of the match and can obtain the maximum of level 18 with their champion, leveling 4 different champion-specific abilities.

-Summoner’s Rift resembles the DotA map. It has 3 lanes and supports 5 players per side.
-Twisted Treeline is a smaller map with only 2 lanes. It supports 3 players per side. as this game is shorter you recive less xp and IP(to buy better champions or improve them)
On the small map a game is average at 30mins but can go to an hour
On the big map a game is average at 1-half an hour but can got to 2

Each player controls a single Champion. There are 53 different champions in the game but more get added, each with unique characteristics. Certain champions are tagged with properties such as tank, fighter, mage or support to describe their play style. At the start of each battle, players have the ability to choose a champion to fight for him/her in battle. The choice of champions is limited by what the you have unlocked. Each week a set of champions are made temporarily free so that players can try them out without unlocking them. Champions gain experience by killing enemy minions, champions or buildings. After reaching a certain amount of experience, your champion levels up. Each level increases the champion’s stats and adds an ability point that can be spent to improve one of the Champion’s unique abilities. Players can gain gold by landing the killing blow on an enemy minion or by killing a champion. Some abilities and items also generate extra gold. The acquired gold can be spent at the item shop for various items. These items boost stats of the champion. Some items can be combined into more powerful items.

The Summoner can choose two summoner spells to bring with it into an game session. These spells significantly impact gameplay, and have a high cooldown while costing no mana.

Each champion has a variable amount of attributes that describe how it can be played.

Melee – Basic attacks can only be used in close combat
Ranged – Basic attacks can be used from a distance
Assassin – Damage-based champion that has at least one ability to close distance between enemy targets quickly; champions with this attribute tend to die much quicker when targeted.
Fighter – Damage-based champion that performs better in large group fights.
Mage – Damage-based champion whose abilities are typically ranged and greatly affected by ability power.
Support – Champion with abilities that aid in team fights and usually aren’t good in 1v1 fights.
Tank – Champion that can act as a group shield due to their above-average health, armor, and magic resist; usually they have low damage output.
Carry – A champion that typically starts out with below average stats and becomes above average as a match progresses.
Disabler – A champion that can disable enemy champions with their abilities (sometimes labeled disable instead of disabler in-game).
Farmer – A champion that can easily kill enemy minions and neutral monsters, thus allowing them to build in-match gold faster.
Flee – A champion that possesses abilities that enable it to escape from combat.
Haste – A champion that can temporarily speed up self, allies, or both.
Heal – A champion that can heal either self, allies, or both.
Ninja – This champion uses energy instead of mana (energy recharges quickly and is not effected by mana and mana regeneration stat increases).
Nuke – A champion that can deal a significant amount of damage in a short time.
Pet – A champion that can create a non-champion ally (sometimes controllable).
Pusher – A champion that can quickly destroy enemy towers and inhibitors due to their ability to summon additional units or deal damage to an area of enemy creeps.
Recommended – A champion that Riot Games staff would recommend for people new to League of Legends.
Silence – A champion that can silence enemy champions; champions affected by silence cannot use abilities or summoner spells during its duration.
Snare – A champion that can snare enemy champions; champions affected by snares cannot move during its duration.
Slow – A champion that can slow enemy champions; champions affected by slows move slower during its duration.
Stealth – A champion that can become invisible to enemies (other than when near turrets, vision wards, and enemy champions with an Oracles buff).
Stun – A champion that can stun enemy champions; champions affected by stuns cannot move, attack, use abilities, or use summoner spells other than Cleanse.
Teleport – A champion that can teleport to other locations or champions; champions with abilities that are similar to the summoner spell Flash do not have this attribute.
Tough – A champion that lives longer than usual in combat.

Mastries, and runes can change how you and your allies can perform in battle.

The League of Legends Store allows Summoners to purchase additional options through Riot Points (RP) and Influence Points (IP). Riot Points must be bought using real money, while Influence Points are earned by playing the game.

Champions can be unlocked for either RP or IP.
Skins are alternate looks for champions that can be unlocked for RP only.
Boosts to IP and XP gain over a period can be purchased for RP only.
Runes can be purchased for IP only so as to not “sell power”.
Bundles that unlock a large selection of champions can be purchased for RP only.
Riot Points can be recharged by credit card or PayPal.

ill update more later as iam finding out more



write up silent.

do you have any links for this?
free to play?

still working

i would finish it but iam building the new shed

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