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Revision of IPX vs The Highest Order - Cybergamer Ladder S01G01 from Tue, 15/06/2010 - 23:57

18/06/2010 19:30
18/06/2010 22:30

Booking description: IPX – The Highest Order
Duration: 2 hours
Game: BF:BC2
Map: levels/mp_005SR
Server IP:
Password: fwoxfm

challenge page

Fri (18th): 7:30 pm

Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) Friday 7:30 Comment Team
Mattatuide Yes Yes Lets get it on! Playing
N0mad SUB Yes Think 0f me as Permanent Sub SuperSub
Robag Yes Yes I like cookies and cream 1st reserve
Limpet Yes Yes lets Playing
Microman Yes Yes Let’s Win This Playing
spudin8tor Yes Yes Just doit Playing



me happy, me like this, me available if needed, me shit ass bored at work.

how does the map get chosen?

Microman's picture


Thursday, Friday, Monday. Won’t consider Tuesday. I have an early morning on Wednesday, and 10:30 is a bit late to start for an (approx) 12:30 finish. School xD

Robag's picture

match E-mail

Contents of Message:
Your PC – Battlefield Bad Company 2 Squad Rush match has been scheduled.
Home Team: Team IPX
Away Team: The Highest Order

Map: levels/mp_005SR
Server IP:
Password: fwoxfm
Match Time: Fri 18th, 7:30pm AEDT

After the match, both teams must enter the score on the Ladder page.

Thank you,
CyberGamer Support

Do not reply to this message.

I'll be in it if ya needs me )

Friday good for me OOOOOOOOOO

How do I put my comments and availability on the list above ??

Fuzz's picture


Just click edit at the top of the page, then you can fill in the table.

n0mad's picture


Spud just follow Fuzz’s tip and click edit at the t0p 0f the page and add yaself as a Sub like I have….

Ask any IPXer t0 help if needed….


how do the rulez

work with subs. Can you sub in and out once the game has started. And now that ipx has challenged, it shows kippa and blood not eligible on cybergamer, does this come right once we complete this match. And yes i am a noob as well as limp. (fkn hate that word noob).

by the way the map is that shity desert map with a half sucken ship in the sand. D12 are complaining about a match they just had( they lost) where the other team was arming and disarming thru the steel floor on the first m-com, we need to watch for and exploit this our selves. limp out.

ummmmmmmmm dont ask me

ummmmmmmmm dont ask me


join up and play bfbc2 ya slacker


robag to choose team

Robag's picture

all done

team has been picked



Thursday night at 8 pm with D12 on there server

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