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Revision of Smokin Guns from Sun, 24/06/2012 - 13:44
Smokin’ Guns is a full conversion/mod of the Quake 3 engine sending it back into the Old West.
The game focuses heavily on being a tad more realistic than most would be used to and a heap of research has gone into
the weapons getting them right. Now don’t expect this game to be a flashy L4D. The fellas/teams who created this have done
it purely for the love! No the graphics/modeling isn’t A1 and its a little buggy here and there but for all the minor defects, this
game makes up for it with pure style… and its a fist full of style! best of all… its FREE
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Smokin Guns
The home of Smokin Guns All the downloads and information you need for this excellent game.
Smokin Guns Free Files (Windows or Linux)
Smokin Guns V1.0