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Revision of Game Arena 8v8 Ladder from Wed, 15/09/2010 - 19:50

Please put you name down if you wish to play.
After we can see some numbers we can get better idea of weather we can field a team.

(New members who havnt been very active recently this is a great opportunity to show IPX how awsum you are!!)

Team IPX Want to playing Comment
Blood Y 8v8 should be fun
Chipper - -
Crazy_As n um id don’t have the game so i don’t think i can help
Deadite - -
Fuzz - -
Harassment Panda - -
Hashy - -
Kippa - -
Limpet y i’ll be there, strongly worded notes may interfere
Ltmon - -
Mattatuide Y 6 v 6 would be better but hey
Microman Y Sure thing
milzy - -
n0mad No AFK f0r a while
Proton Rifle - -
Robag Yes always the Super Sub :p
Sc0ut Yes I’m keen – need some practice 1st – also need to set a time
Sha8doW - -
Silentshadow - -
Spudinator - -
Willow - -


what i dont want to see

is a lot of forfeits.

would love to play, would rather a 6v6 comp but will take what I can get.

missed dystort?

bandwidth?? is he real.

Microman's picture


Crazy_As doesn’t have it
lt doesn’t have it
n0mad is AFK
Proton Rifle was an alias made by Shad for the purpose of svalbard whoring (you don’t lose points if the person fills an application and never comes back)
Sc0ut doesn’t have it
Willow is in Fiji with terrible internets (Matt, you should lend him the 100 I gave you…)

That leaves us with 14/23 who are still candidates. 14 > 8, which means we might be in the running…

you only

need 6 to make it a match as well. we usually have 6 ready to play the squad rush games.

and id we

play in htis we would prob drop from the CG ladder


has the game he just dosnt come on the site very often

Well it

Looks like we have enough players to do this so if everyone who hasnt so far can go to the gamearena site and sign up for the ipx team in the 8v8 ladder that would be great as it looks like that ladder may be kicking off soon.

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