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Revision of Borderlands vs Left 4 Dead DLC from Thu, 16/09/2010 - 12:03

Fuzz's picture

After a long reign as the most popular piece of content on the IPX site, IGN Borderlands Review has finally been unseated by L4D Maps & Campaigns =DLC=

So strange. Borderlands went nuts over the first few weeks, and hit 10,000 very quickly, then just stopped. L4D has been going at a much slower but constant pace, and still has no signs of slowing down.

As at 11am 16/9/2010
Borderlands Review: 11975 reads
L4D Maps and campaigns: 12640 reads.

n0mad, congrats again – you have been unseated by yourself.

On the horizon – who is most likely to knock off n0mad? Funnily enough it’s actually Mattatuide with his IPX RV training match tonight post which has 4000+ reads. Strange…



true winner

u should divide the number of views by the number of days that it has been up there

n0mad's picture

L4D z0mbie killing

There’s still al0t 0f unplayed L4D maps 0ut there….


Microman's picture


Sounds like a challenge

n0mad's picture

Yes MM

Yes it is MM

We sh0uld all check0ut the new maps/Campaigns available………….


Microman's picture

On that note

Would be keen for either L4D or Borderlands. I’m not fussed witch…

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