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Revision of Got Padman? from Fri, 24/09/2010 - 11:58

ltmon's picture

Anyone up for a game tonight?

Say 8pm?

Sign up in comments below, and if there’s 4 or more people, then let’s get our Padman on!


n0mad's picture

Padman U say

I’m always ready 4 Padman
I’ll B running abit late but I’ll never miss a Padman game

call0ut 2 th0se wh0 haven’t played Padman
Install Padman n0w



why not

Microman's picture


We’ll have to play both :-).

Sure, I’ll rip a new one in padman.

Hashy's picture

I dunn0

Dude I dunn0 if I can make it in time. im 0n Io, and n0 I didn’t land 0n a V0lcan0 (amazingly) and it will take me 3 and a half years t0 get h0me. Can u imagine the lag ill have in game fr0m this distance? I w0n’t kn0w that I’ve been hit with the n00bstick until like half an h0ur later 0mg.

Microman's picture

Good idea

That was a fun round. New computer makes it completely different!

n0mad's picture

Great Game Can't wait 4 Padman 1.5

ThanX t0 Ltmon f0r the 0rganisati0n – Padman sh0uld B played every Friday……..

ThanX to Robag f0r the late minute Padman Server Setup – 20 Minutes fr0m zer0 is well g00d….

ThanX t0 all IPX wh0 c0uld make it……..

Here’s sum Pics 0f the night

chipper's picture


sorry i missed it!

ltmon's picture

I'm sorry you missed it too chipper

We really needed someone to keep n0mad honest.

Microman's picture

I cant believe...

I beat lt!!! He even had the Imperious! I feel very proud, even if it was only one point. It was a close, and excellent game.

Thanks for a great night, and I say we do smokin guns some time soon…

chipper's picture


will have to make sure hashy is about for the next game then. I just give him n0mad another target to shoot at!

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