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Revision of Bad Company 2 PC Changes Planned [11:01 am ET] from Tue, 26/10/2010 - 10:47
Electronic Arts Forums gave a post from DICE community manager Daniel ‘zh1nt0’ Matros outlining plans for upcoming changes to the PC edition of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (thanks Ant via Planet Battlefield). He says this is, “just one part of a bigger list of updates that we are going to release very soon. This update will also require server downtime.” Here are the changes they are revealing:
One of the Insignia’s requiring an unobtainable Bronze star for the tracer dart – requirement removed.
One of the Insignia’s requiring an unobtainable Bronze star for the tracer dart – requirement removed.
Hit registration changes brought over from MOH to BC2; several bugfixes, the client<->server send rates have been increased, some of the hitboxes themselves have been changed. This will increase the accuracy of guns, but will not make much of a difference to the knife.
Removed the blue box behind the chat window.
The 2-second immunity when spawning/being revived can will now be immediately remove either by firing, zooming, or any movement (move, crouch, jump). Merely looking around will not remove the invulnerability. In essence: If a person moves, he is never invulnerable.
3D vision fixed.
They morons
Every patch, they have made it worse. Now they are making it like MOH.
I’m scared.
well if they change the rego...
maybe deadite and limpet will stop having a cry :P
F**k yeah! I hate bad rego so bad, and sometimes it is ridiculous. Hopefully the new hit boxes take the ‘running man’ hit box out of effect…
What is 3D vision..?
we’ll see. There certainly is NO RUNNING man effect in MOH. Crouching man.
but, but
i like to cry, i just want the go to cover and then get shot lag, rego, server side thing fixed.
sounds good
but hopefully the rego improvements actually work…. and am with limpy getting killed when you’ve clearly made it to cover is pretty lolz
“Bl00d Eagle Sc0res!”
I’m g0ing back t0 Tribes 2.. xD
Seri0usly th0ugh, I w0uld be interested in seeing h0w this patch pans 0ut, being a m0re recent player t0 Bad Company 2, it’s still reas0nable new t0 myself, s0 I might find it t0 be n0t that much 0f a big deal.
On the 0ther hand, being a m0re experienced Counter Strike Source player, the recent “m0dernizati0n” 0f CS:S I f0und t0 be initially m0re 0f an ann0yance, with things like achievements & kill cam, but after getting 0ver that ( and 0fc0urse, disabling the kill cam) f0und that t0 be n0t as much 0f a big deal either.
d0es s0und like th0ugh that s0me 0f the changes t0 BFBC2 might cause m0re the 0ne 0r tw0 rages fr0m m0re hardc0re gamers in the c0mmunity. It happens, m0st 0f us get 0ver it, the rest, g0 back t0 1000 c0l0ur games that we have f0nd 0ld mem0ries 0f and 0mg pe0ple still play.
Needs more
comp settings IMO.
-record demos
-spec mode
-stopwatch mode
Needs spectator.
Kalms comments on this.
Patch 0n n0de
0ffline updater is 0ut n0w 0n n0de
d0wnl0ading n0w.
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