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Revision of Tournament Update from Sun, 07/06/2009 - 17:49

Fuzz's picture

Thanks to GA’s “rules” (so well explained by ltmon here) the departure of Sha8doW after the roster change cut off will leave us with a maximum of 7 players for round 2. All 7 have committed to be there but barring Sha8doW’s return we will officially forfeit regardless. I have spoken to GA about this but their response was there is no chance for subbing a player after round 1.

I’d hate for those of us who have committed to not get a game in, so I have spoken to Shrek from RoK and informed him it’s possible we will only have 7, and suggested we officially forfeit, but play regardless. Shrek has agreed and will notify his team.

I still can’t wait for the game and look forward to seeing you all there.

If we’re going to go down, let’s go down with dignity.


n0mad's picture

Shad We Need Ya....

It is disspointing that in this time of need Shad walks away, finger up and maybe for the last time.
Shad if you reading this, you will kick yourself forever if you don’t show up.
We (n0mad tries to convey the feelings of TeamIPX, Founders, Members & yes even me Honorarys)
need you to understand that TeamIPX is a team and yes we need you.
In the short time I have got to know you all I feel apart of a well nit team and without
you there, well, For your sake, I know, We know, you’ll regret it.

This has been the words of n0mad, not pissed at Shad but still thinking he may still want to
fly our flag for one last horraaaa.

Shad just think of the 53 hours you have played so far of ET:QW and I might as well be the first to ask
Sha8doW, Would you lead us into battle ?

well done.

Thanks a million Fuzz, you have done great mate and all your efforts
are appreciated. I love the idea of having a match with RoK regardless,
great idea champ.
I also like that they have agreed to have a fun scrim with us none the less.

gets all dizzy “This could be the start of a beautiful friendship”
(* my sense of humor knows no bounds, camp jokes are just one of many tools)

Anyhow, bottom line Kudos to Fuzz for doing all the running around.

Edit – God damn it, what was I thinking… No Kudos in Svalbard!? Svalbards for Fuzz!

cheap son of a ....

Please excuse this post but the bastard forum remove one of my
precious svalbards for editing my post!

*mashes the “post comment” button +1 svalbards! for Res

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