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Revision of The Humble Frozenbyte Bundle from Wed, 13/04/2011 - 12:20

Kazashi's picture

In the same vein as previous Humble Indie Bundles, for the next fortnight there will be another bundle of games on sale. This time all the offerings are from Finnish developer Frozenbyte:

Trine: a side-scrolling platformer where you switch between three different characters to solve puzzles.
Shadowgrounds: a top-down shooter – blow up monster and aliens on a spooky space colony.
Shadowgrounds Survivor: more of the same.
Splot: this is….. actually I’m not sure. It’s a pre-order for what looks to be a side-scrolling adventure in a cute cartoon style.
Jack Claw: this was going to be a top-down action game, using a giant claw to throw objects and crush enemies, but was cancelled. The game source code and assets are being released, allowing the wider community to finish making it.

Again, charities Child’s Play and Electronic Frontier Foundation will be worthy recipients of a portion of sales. As an added bonus, these games can be redeemed on Steam, Desura and OnLive, so set your own price and get playing!


n0mad's picture


I think Shadowgrounds al0ne is easly w0rth putting sum cash d0wn……

IGN Reviews – Shadowgrounds

g0t me h00ked……….

n0w where’s that Duke pers0n ?

Robag's picture

once again Kazashi

nice find, indy games now days look awsome, off to find my credit card


Hashy's picture


I dunn0 ab0ut this bundle. The first 0ne was g00d, n0t that I played everything extensively, I just d0nt see anything t00 appealing in this bundle, at least f0r myself. I need m0re c0nvincing =)

Hashy's picture

30 sec0nds later after watching n0mads trailer..

I’m in… =)

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