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Revision of Casey Jones: The Movie from Thu, 11/08/2011 - 21:32

Fuzz's picture

What the? Casey Jones is getting his own movie.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle’s buddy with the hockey stick has got his own film. An Indie film by Polaris Banks that also features Michaelangelo.
Based on characters created by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books, Casey Jones is the story of a brutal vigilante who vows to single-handedly rid his neighborhood of crime. Armed with a golf bag loaded with clubs and sporting a fearful hockey mask, Casey stalks the alleyways by night, mercilessly trouncing any delinquents unlucky enough to cross his path, until an unlikely ally from the sewers is forced to intervene.

Seriously? How did I not see this coming? Quality looks average, but… it’s Casey!

THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED – Anyone under 18 you have been warned. It’s reasonably violent.
Trailer below:

Did anyone see the cameo of the original Casey as from the TMNT 1 as a bum on the street?
Or notice the use of music from the original movie.

Mikey looks pretty terrible too. But anything TMNT relateds gonna get a watching from me along with a review.



Fuzz's picture

Next stop has to be...

Rise of the Shredder!

Fuzz's picture

Mikey... looks terrible

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