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Revision of The Duke man cometh from Sun, 02/11/2008 - 11:12

Fuzz's picture

Duke. youtube. com /watch?v=Kx7zLdXUie0

(new trailer)



Hell yea cant wait for that!

n0mad's picture

Freeze & Shatter

Freezing Players then shattering them with your foot was the best.

Hey, I did see the freeze gun in Crysis the other day and thought
yep they played Duke Nukem too.

Crysis is where n0mad is right now, note that when you join a Crysis
game everyone thinks your n0mad but there is only one…..

Man I loved playing the

Man I loved playing the original Dukes…Good times

Kazozza's picture

looks pretty cool! Can’t

looks pretty cool!

Can’t wait for multiplayer!

Fuzz's picture


I have to say that has to be the most scathing thing I’ve ever seen written. It’s right, but ouch!

Hashy's picture

I remember showin everybody

I remember showin everybody at school the first trailer movie thingo for Duke Nukem Forever.. back in…2002? Something like that.. haha…. “when its done”

EDIT: Ok now just watched that.. FUCKIN SICK!! CANT WAIT YET AGAIN!! =D

Since its relatively small nowadays and easily downloadable and installable ( Fuzz I found the old copy of Duke 3d on FLOPPY DISK, u remember the blue ones?? DISC’s 1 thru 9 all accounted for!!), perhaps a nostalgia visit to Duke 3D is in order? =p

Bring it on

If ya can upload it ill be keen :p

Kazozza's picture

That’s a fantastic idea

That’s a fantastic idea Hashy!

I’ve still got all four floppy’s for ‘The ultimate DOOM!’

Episode 4…. ‘Thy flesh consumed’ – great name, haha!

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