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Revision of Donate today and help Team IPX liberate Svalbard from Norways evil rule from Mon, 05/09/2011 - 12:15

Fuzz's picture

This line has been in the footer of our website for about 4 years. Yet we still have no donations!!

WHY!!!! Think of the (little Svalbardian) children.

Svalbard from Google Earth

Europe from Google Earth (Svalbard is at the top)


Fuzz's picture

Maybe it's because

We don’t provide a link to donate…. just a thought.

Also… I don’t think we actually want money that the donater intends to be used for terrorism. I’d be kinda scared if someone did donate for that actually.

Fuzz's picture

Svalbard Flag

I googled svalbard flag, and amongst all the Norwegian propaganda saying “there is no Svalbard flag, it uses the Norway flag” I found this little gem….

While the colours a little off, I love the polar bear in the top left.

Wow Fuzz

You must be really bored at moment!!!

Fuzz's picture

I really....

really…. am.

all I see

is a penis

also this is from a popular TV show, if you can guess what show it is(excluding Fuzz) I will give you 100 svalbards.


I would say Futurama


Same here, looks very Futurama.

Fuzz's picture


Matt… cough up :)



Besides I cant. Thats why I said you would :)


I dont care who gives them to me i just want em!!!

Fuzz's picture


I’ll cough up your svalbards for u

im pretty sure

you changed my post…….

Fuzz's picture


Changed it to better reflect the sentiments you meant to say :)

Well thats fine

you two keep arguing and ill just give myself them

I think

if I can comment 50 times on this post I will make up the difference.

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