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Revision of Casey Jones: The Movie - Premiers NOW online from Sun, 18/09/2011 - 18:50

Fuzz's picture

The fan made Casey Jones movie is available to watch for free online NOW:

Edit: I have watched it, and lost count of how many law breakers he kills.



He is very angry

Fuzz's picture

That he is....

He needs those Ninja Turtles to even out his keel a little.

There were some nice throwbacks to the original film which were good to see. Even a couple of cartoon references. Only 40 mins, but it was well worth the watch. I didn’t figure out how to make it full screen though which was a shame.

They look like brink

They look like brink charactors with the masks.

Fuzz's picture


Ninja Turtles mod for Brink…

I like it. And I didn’t even need to walk the plank coming up with it.


It was good to watch, but the acting is a bit over the top. They did really well with the turtles on screen tho(not to real, not to fake).

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