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Revision of APB Reloaded - Free to play from Wed, 07/12/2011 - 13:11

Fuzz's picture

Anyone tried it? Concept seems GTA’ish but with online and free. I think IPX needs to get in there this Christmas.

Oh and heads up it’s R18+. Probably should have put that BEFORE the trailer… my bad.



No Fuzz. You need to get BF3!!!

Fuzz's picture

But freeeeeeeee.....


No Buts

We need BF3 players Fuzz and as a BOD member we need YOU!

n0mad's picture


This l00ks awsum Fuzz I actual herd ab0ut this when they c0uldn’t get en0ugh players 4 the beta….

0hhh and as a BoD member I supp0rt n0n BF3 installati0n……..hehehehe


it is pretty

i have downloaded it :D it is pretty awesome game if anyone does play make a character on the 2nd possible world , thats the world im on ( characters cannot jump worlds)



Kip and i where looking at this yesterday. I haven’t finished DLing my copy yet though. I’m very keen to give it a go.

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