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Revision of Attention Gaming Team - Manditory Practice Sessions from Wed, 11/01/2012 - 10:02
Morning all
This news is to advise, that after discussion and agreement with those organising and administering the IPX Gaming Team, IPX Traning Sessions are now on again!
It is expected that Training will be attended by all those nominated for the IPX Gaming Team, and also those enrolled in the current Alienware comp
Practice sessions are currently planned for 1 night a week (Tuesday nights), however we will create a POLL to determine what night is the most preferred by the majority.
Standard Prac session rules (no shooting till live etc) apply. Attempts to organise scrims for this night are welcomed
BOD/Team Admin will revive the Gaming/Prac Roster with the expectation it will be updated weekly
Further information and a Poll to come
BoD, and Team IPX Gaming Admin
Practice Challenge event
One more thing to manage as part of this. The date on the Gaming Practice challenge page needs to be updated manually each week for it to appear in the calendar. n0mad has been kind enough to do this for several years, but we have relieved him of these duties this year. It wasn’t fair for the burden to fall on someone not even part of the competitive gaming team.
So I’ll leave it up to the Gaming Team as a whole to decide who will do this.
PS. There is a better way (1) on the cards, but like all things… it requires a lot of work. So for now, that’s the process.
Im doing it now :)
Please Reconfirm your avaliablitly on the gaming roster as it has been cleared . By doing that you will show that you actually know we have a website and want to play in upcoming comps
Thanks Logan
Much appreciated.
I will show up to any day
I will show up to any day training / scrims. If im not on mumble, I’m always on steam.
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