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Revision of SOPA and PIPA Shelved! from Sat, 21/01/2012 - 12:36

Hashy's picture


So it appears we have won this round. SOPA and PIPA have been shelved… For now..

A big thank you to all those who spoke up against these silly anti privacy laws disguised as anti piracy laws.

I would also like to thank Anonymous for hitting them where it hurts. While we do not condone computer cracking, I personally do support these hostile attacks against establishment databases. I had no part in any of it, I am simply in agreement that sometimes aggressive destruction of social and human rights requires an equal measure of resistance.

Breathe easy, for now fellas. But don’t go back to sleep. They will try to do this again while were all busy with the 2012 London Olympics or some sh!t. Be aware, be awake, be prepared. Tyranny knows no bounds, nor does justice, freedom, and liberties.


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  • Avast! This website be taken over by pirates on September 19th. Yarr!

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