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Revision of Team IPX vs E V O L U T I O N s01g07 from Sun, 08/04/2012 - 20:05
09/04/2012 20:30
09/04/2012 21:49
Please fill out table below.
Team IPX | 9/4/12 – Monday 8:30PM AEDT 10:30pm NZDT | Playing |
Blood | M | - |
Deadite | - | - |
don-robbery | N | - |
Fishy | - | - |
KillerSL | - | - |
Kippa | - | - |
Limpet | - | - |
Mattatuide | Y | - |
Loganator98 | Y | - |
Leigon | Y | Will be here after cod cg war :) |
Microman | - | - |
Robag | Y | - |
StepUp | Y | - |
Stoneface | - | - |
Spudinator | Y | - |
Sha8dow | - | - |
DELTA2ALPHA | Y | Put as reserve, if you need me I can fill a slot for you |
Hope it all went ok
I was pretty brain dead last night so I just played some LoL in my zombie state. Wasnt really in the mood for chatter either, so I just kind of zoned out on my own. Didnt notice that the match was last night, hope you didnt need an extra and all went ok.
it went
pretty good really, we didn’t win, but a lot of things went well. I Had good rage going, but everybody played well. We got into good positions both rounds and then let them have it. More practice as a team with better positions set by the captains once we had the flags and we would have won. Don you keeped me up for ages in the lav, thanks. And instead of Mat and I shouting at everybody to charge B we should have been a bit more precise about it. Which comes back to practicing some of these maps more as a team and naming specific buildings so we know where to go. gg.
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