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Revision of DayZ IPX server from Thu, 10/05/2012 - 14:23

Im getting a little closer to getting this setup. First off I need Robag to confirm these details. Can we fit the specs of this thread quoted thread below? If so I will roll ahead with the next step.

Want to host a DayZ Server? Read in here.
I’ve had a lot of requests in regards to getting a server up and what kind of requirements are needed to run a DayZ server. So I thought I’d put together a small guide as to how to go about it.

First of all, a DayZ server requires Remote Desktop Access and Windows (Unfortunately Linux isn’t supported as of yet). This rules out server providers such as Gameservers which only provide you with a Web Interface and FTP.

Second, your server needs to be able to handle Terra-bytes of bandwidth monthly. Some servers are chewing through 2TB of bandwidth a month. So be mindful of that.

Thirdly, the specifications. Below is a rough list of requirements to have a comfortable 50 player server.

  • Quad Core CPU @ 3Ghz+ (CPU is the main enforcer in a ArmA server, so the more powerful the better)
  • 2GB+ Ram (Ram isn’t a big issue in an ArmA server, so don’t be overly concerned with having copious amounts [16GB+] of it as it won’t be required)
  • 50GB+ HDD (Preferably SATA3 or SSD) (ArmA 2 CO and the DayZ Mod take up approx. 20GB)
  • Bandwidth at least 2TB a month. (As stated earlier, at least 2TB is required)

Finally, if you think you have what it takes, then we’re more than happy to get your server running as soon as possible.
First point of call is to email; – If you haven’t received a response from that email after a day or so, then feel free to PM me on these forums and I’ll try and get to you.

I’ll be unable to provide the best ‘Server Providers’ to approach to get a good server, I leave that up to you. Just look through different providers, compare prices and specifications and ensure they match what a DayZ server requires.

If you have any questions, then please post in this thread.

We’re always on the look out for servers, so please feel free to contact us if you want to get involved!


Ok got a meeting setup

Robag, any chance you can jump online at 8:30pm EST. If not, let me know what time. I have a meeting setup with some DayZ devs that will help us get things started.

Robag's picture

current VPS

10GB of Disk
512 Meg of Ram
100 GB of Traffic

8:30 is fine


Oh ok...

I thought it was a lot more beefy then that :(. Not sure if we will be able to host after all.

Damn. When you mentioned 6tb

Damn. When you mentioned 6tb before I thought we had another ANZ provider to help ease our burden. You couldnt host a DayZ for more than a day with 100gb, or more than 15 players with those specs :(
We are able to run 100-120 slots which is enough during the week, but weekend demand doubles that. We still need donations to keep afloat but looks like we’ll have enough soon for next months bill. I think by then theyll have automated the updates so some GSPs can step in and host DayZ.

Damn. I thought we had

Damn. I thought we had another provider to help ease the burden when you mentioned 6TB before. Unfortunately you will not be able to run a server more than 24 hours with only 100GB data, and those hardware specs will only support about 15 players. The Devs won’t be able to help you setup with that h/w or bandwidth as it’s not sustainable. AusArmA should have enough to pay for next month’s bill soon, if the donations don’t stop anyway. By that time (we’re talking about 50 days from now) the DayZ guys should have automated most of the updates so that GSPs like Internode can possible host a server without having to give DayZ guys full server access.


I was looking into it further Freeborne, now I see how much it will cost. Sorry about that. In the next couple weeks I will drop you guys some cash. I noticed you are just over a $100 short for next month. In a month or so I will see where we are all in regards to DayZ and see what more I can do.


Can you tell me who you are getting your hosting through?

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