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Revision of Mixed team for ET:QW ladder? from Tue, 29/01/2008 - 17:31

Fuzz's picture

Moridin_ from clan TOG messaged me the other day. It looks like they may not have enough players to join the ladder. He was interested in letting some of his players play for us in the ladder.

What do the guys who are in the ladder think of that?

Regardless of which way we go with this with the deadline for player joins fast approaching we may not be able to get them registered. I’m interested to see what the general consensus is though.

He’s also interested in some regular practice and I’ve told him we’re always happy to play other clans.

Edit: We have until April 1st to make roster changes.



Well it would help with the

Well it would help with the numbers and take the presure off members to play every game.
We all just want to play the game and have fun.

HarassmentPanda's picture

I think it is a good idea too

TOG are full of good people and you know that there is a level of maturity when you play along side them. I think it’s a great idea – especially if we are concerned about numbers.

What do we need to do to get this show on the road?

Fuzz's picture

OK Cool. 3 captains are

OK Cool. 3 captains are supporting it – that’s enough for me (Oz was the third by email).

I’ll PM Moridon back and let him know we’re up for it. They will just have to request to join our team over at GA. All captains will get an email when that happens. Whoever gets it first, if it’s a member of TOG just accept it. As I understand it, Monday would be the last day to accept roster changes as the ladder starts Tuesday.

Edit: Moridon_ has been PM’d and emailed. Please keep an eye out for those applications.


HarassmentPanda's picture

Just need to make sure

That they remove themselves from the TOG team and/or close it. There is a rule on the GA comp about people being in one team and playing for another being an instant disqualification. Wouldn’t want that to happen over an administrative mistake ;-)

n0mad's picture

TOG Player Names

Do we have a list of TOG player names we are expecting to Join ?

If so you may wish to post them here s0 there is n0 c0nfusion……

And, yer sounds like a good idea to me t00, the m0re the better, TOG are very g00d players
to have by your side and they complete objectives :)

Bring on the Torney………


this sounds too be good for

this sounds too be good for us im in for the TOG side more the merrier i think

Fuzz's picture


No word as to which players. The team listed on GA right now is:


So if one of these guys removes themselves from TOG, and applies here – feel free to accept.

I have a hunch this has been left until too late and they may not be able to organise themselves in time. Hopefully they can, but if not we’ll just continue on as planned.

works for me

I would be happy for that. and another clan that we could have regular pracs against would be great for IPX. It does sound like somthing that would be very beneficial for IPX and TOG. You got my vote and im happy to play for whoever aye.

Fuzz's picture

Time running out

Still no response from Moridon_. It’s looking very much like this won’t happen.

Kazozza's picture

uh-oh…. hope they can get

uh-oh…. hope they can get in, this would be very beneficial for all concerned!

If not, we still have the friendly scrims! TOG are good oponents =)

I know I’m about 3 days

I know I’m about 3 days late but I support this move:) (I’ve been on kangaroo spot….only bad thing was coming home today and finding out my car window had been bricked:S)

Fuzz's picture

Edit: Still plenty of time left

Looks like there’s still plenty of time left for this. Cut off date for roster changes is 1st April. See link added to original post.


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