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Revision of Haweken - Moar Mech goodness! from Sat, 24/11/2012 - 22:33

Kazozza's picture

If one online mech game wasn’t enough, here’s another. The trailer for this looks awesome. Get a beta key here:
Act now, before they’re all gone!

Oh, and just for shits and giggles:
While the new design ED-209 looks nifty, I’m not yet sold on Robo….

Ah, Murphy…


chipper's picture

sounds interesting

sounds interesting, will check it out

looks great

hawken is awesome for a free game and it also has Rift support( just lacking linux support

there’s also space mechs(strike suit zero) coming out on 24 january( it might get linux support i backed it in last few days but didnt quite make the stretch goal :(

Robag's picture

owwww the good old days

of Big Mech a 486 and a copy of windows 95.
how i miss the.
nice find oz.
I and torn between my old fav mechwarrior online and hawken.

love the 3D HUD though


Kazozza's picture

Pretty sure I’m going with

Pretty sure I’m going with MWO for the long run. Could be the nostalgia, could be the micro management. Could be the awesome PEW PEW sounds!

Could be the fun times had in a StreakCat alpha striking a Jenner with 6x Streak SRM2’s and watching the little shit topple over. Oh yeah! Most Hated on the battlefield!

linuxslacker's picture

Strike Suit Zero 25% Off Coupons

since i backed strikesuitzero’s kickstarter i have 3 coupons for 25% off to give away

its out in 2 days for windows and they will start on mac/linux clients after release( anyone wants one just pm me and ill give you a code

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