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Revision of IPX Padman Server from Fri, 26/04/2013 - 16:53

Somtin's picture

g_speed is set ridiculously high thanks to n0mad.

Can someone please restart the server, or give me permission to be able to change it back to normal.



n0mad's picture

0n my way

0n my way n0w


n0mad's picture

Great Game

ThanX f0r the quick game g0tta Bail


n0mad's picture

Robag IPX Padman Server Settings

Als0 Robag if y0u w0uld be s0 kind as t0 set the Padman Server t0 n0t r0tate maps 0r change game type

At the end 0f each r0und just restart the map…

S0mtin y0ur th0ughts ?


Somtin's picture

LPS start lives need to be

LPS start lives need to be added IIRC?

Automatic gametype change is annoying when changing the gametype, but I think that can be changed by simply changing the gametype then changing the map, instead of using map_restart or nextmap. I’m not sure exactly how that works tbh.

Robag's picture

hmm i guess

i need to do something like this in a new server.cfg

set m1 “map wop_backyard; set nextnmap vstr m2”
set m2 “map wop_diner; set nextnmap vstr m3”
set m3 “map wop_cabin; set nextnmap vstr m4”
set m4 “map wop_kaistrashmap; set nextnmap vstr m5”
set m5 “map wop_padgarden; set nextnmap vstr m6”
set m6 “map wop_padkitchen; set nextnmap vstr m7”
set m7 “map wop_padlibrary; set nextnmap vstr m8”
set m8 “map wop_padship; set nextnmap vstr m9”
set m9 “map wop_padattic; set nextnmap vstr m10”
set m10 “map wop_huette; set nextnmap vstr m11”
set m11 “map wop_bath; set nextnmap vstr m12”
set m12 “map wop_mopans_jail; set nextnmap vstr m13”
set m13 “map wop_anteroom; set nextnmap vstr m14”
set m14 “map wop_padgallery; set nextnmap vstr m15”
set m15 “map wop_padcastle; set nextnmap vstr m16”
set m16 “map wop_padcrash; set nextnmap vstr m17”
set m17 “map wop_padcrash_dm17;”

set nextmap “vstr execnextmap”
set execnextmap “vstr nextnmap; set nextmap vstr execnextmap”
set nextnmap “vstr m1”

vstr nextmap

Robag's picture

IPX WoP server is

now running in LPS mode
N0mad and Somtin can you give it a go pls


n0mad's picture


Will test sh0rtly

new settings are ?

p. S. Saw the Ipx server listed 0n the wop website…..

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