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Revisions for Funny Find = Game Give Away

Wed, 26/06/2013 - 16:59 by Sha8doWWed, 26/06/2013 - 17:04 by Sha8doW
Changes to Body
WTF hey?
WTF hey?
So while you clean up your drink... Drop me a message here and i'll gift you 1 of 2 copies of that War of the Roses game which I piked up in a 4 pack (Its like a lame Chivalry)
So while you clean up your drink... Drop me a message here and i'll gift you 1 of 3 copies of that War of the Roses game which I piked up in a 4 pack (Its like a lame Chivalry)
Current revision:
Sha8doW's picture

Funny Find = Game Give Away

LoL – looking back at my recent blog history, it may appear that I am buying friends…


I was off with my young bloke, as he is sick today. He has been watching the ‘NEW’ version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… So feeling nostalgic – I argued with my 6yr old that the NEW turtle van isnt as good as the OLD turtle van…

Google Images gave me THIS piece of GOLD – I spat my drink

WTF hey?

So while you clean up your drink… Drop me a message here and i’ll gift you 1 of 3 copies of that War of the Roses game which I piked up in a 4 pack (Its like a lame Chivalry)