
Sha8doW's picture

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Alias: Sha8doW
Jersey Number: 8
Personal Website: (not MINE personally, but it gets me “personal”…)
1.Age: 30 agh
2.Location: The “Dore”
3.Qualifications: Im Sex, and I know it! (so clap your hands)
4.Occupation: Public servant in my spare time, BoD Member when I should be workin
5.Fav Colour: Blue, White & Orange (Grey)
6.Fav Hockey Team (not IPX): Montreal Canadiens
7.Fav Class in ET or QW (if applicable): Engie
8.Fav Weapon? (if applicable): “I like Sword, that’s a personal weapon”
9.Blondes or Brunettes?: No real preference… I likes boobs
10.Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael or Michelangelo?: Mikey
11.Ford or Holden?: neither…
12.ear buds or Head Phones?: Phones
13.Constant 4wd or AWD?: AWD
14.Fav Porn star? (come on… we know you have one): So many options… and it changes everyday… Eve Laurence, Isabella Panico, Jilly Kelly, Phoenix Marie… stop me
15.Top 3 movies?: Err… debbie does… Star Wars, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones… I dunno
16.Marvel or DC Comics & which Character?: Marvel, Ironman (i liked him before he was popular) or Frew & The Phantom, or The ShadoW
17.Best Book?: The Count of Monte Christo – Alexandre Dumas
18.Top 3 Computer Games?: Leisure Suit Larry, NBA Hangtime, NHL98
19.Fav Simpsons character?: Homer
20.Beavis or Butthead?: bevis
21.Slapshot or Wrist Shot?: Slapshotinonetimer!
22.Current System?: i7 , X58D, Evga 285GTX
23.Current Operating System?: Windoze7
24.Who was the Best Bond?: Tim Dalton
25.Best Arcade Machine ever?: NBA Jam/Hangtime
26.Fav TV show?: Burn notice/Big bang
27.Fav Alcholic beverage? (if anyone says a “white wine spritzer”…): Burbon
28.Wood or Steel?: Timber
29.Jesus, Buddah or Alah?: Religion is EVIL
30.Alien or Predator?: Predator
31.Chicken or the Egg?: Egg baby!
32.Aliens… do they exist?: Yup
33.Darth Vader or Darth Maul?: Maul…. Hayden Christensen RUINED Vader, now he cries like a girl for his mommy “from my point of view the jedi are evil” FAG!
34.What would Change about the IPX website?: What I’m trying to fix now!
35.If you could have ANY superpower what would it be?: Ironmans Suit!
36.I’m glad to be part of IPX because: its a great bunch of people, and outsiders don’t know what they are missing
37.Jay or Silent Bob?: jay
38.Heman or Voltron?: He-Man
39.IPX or TCP/IP?: IPX!
40.Does black go with everything?: No!
41.What else do you play?: myself
42.Complete this sentence: Team IPX is not a Clan is a County Hoe Down spectacular!!
43.How do you take your coffee? Flat White, with 2 equal!
44.Gatorade or Powerade? Gatorade!
45. Fish n Chips or Chicken n Chips? Chicken & chips!

Carrots, Corn, Broc, Colli


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17 years 44 weeks
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