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Revision of IPX Vs Damage Inc - Regulation Match 4 from Fri, 22/02/2008 - 08:00

ltmon's picture
24/02/2008 19:00
24/02/2008 21:00

Who: Team IPX v Damage Inc (GA Ladder Regulation match)
Date: Sunday 24th Feb
Time: 7pm
Password: Check your email from GA Gamecreate (otherwise check in IRC before the game)
Referee Requested: No
Practice session: None organised
Starting Map: refinery

I’ve confirmed for Sunday based on availability (sorry Hak).

Looks like we’ll have a fair number of players available. Shad, Luckless and Oz get first dibs after kindly sitting out the last one, the remaining 3 spots will be filled by discussion.


Team IPX Confirmed Comment
n0mad Yes Anyday is Ok, Lets Just get a win ;) / Refinery sounds like the schizzel
Hashy Yes Make sure I have slept the night before…
Ltmon © Yes Not on Saturday for me, should be right Sunday or Monday. I think we’re the best chance with refinery, but don’t care too much.
Haklin Yes Can ONLY play on Monday-Don’t mind map- refinery or sewer(only because I’ve played that the most:))
Bloodstorm Yes Only sunday or monday though
Fuzz Yes In order of prefs Saturday then Sun, then Mon if needed. My votes for refinery too.
Luckless Yes -
Kazozza Yes I’ll be in Sydney this w/e, so no saturday. Sunday if I get home on time, Monday will be a stretch with touch footy, but should be ok =)
HarassmentPanda Yes Just let me know the time, all those ones look ok – I do prefer later times though
Kazashi - -
Sha8doW Yes Sunday


Hey, ive been forgotten

Hey, ive been forgotten about: sniff.
I should be able to make it, if im needed. Pokes Ltmon in the eye

ltmon's picture

You didn't get forgotten...

Fuzz just managed to delete you with his comment… or maybe he’s saying something ;)

Fixed it up anyway.

Fuzz's picture

oops… sorry Luckless, my

oops… sorry Luckless, my bad. Nothing meant by it – we all know we can’t do without your hyperblaster room clearing techniques :)

HarassmentPanda's picture

Now we have a date and time

Whats the team line up? Can we have as many as we like or are going 6v6?

n0mad's picture

Lets Get a Win

g00d t0 see s0me very c0mmitted players, I think we may just get a win this time r0und
but I ain’t jinxing it, we should all play well n0 matter what the score….

d0n’t forget to S%^$ before the game

ltmon's picture


6v6 only.

We should try get some more scrims where we can play as a complete team, but we keep getting challenged so there isn’t much chance.

Always 6v6 with the Ga

Always 6v6 with the Ga Ladder panda:)

Good luck guys! Whip ass!

Pinge's picture

Good luck with the

Good luck with the match.

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