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Revision of Battlefield 3 - On the house from Thu, 29/05/2014 - 17:15

Fuzz's picture

Battlefied 3 appears to be FREE for a short time.

Having played and owned it, I highly suggest you DO NOT GET THIS GAME. It represents all that is evil in PC gaming.

If you do not heed my advice, I suspect you will end up in the same situation as me… owning BF3, but owning none of the $30+ expansion packs, and thus be unable to play on any kind of useful server.

Also the game sucks.

You have been warned. In fact I probably shouldn’t have posted this blog….

Deleting in 3…. 2…. 1…


Robag's picture

wait "something went wrong"

of Battlefield 3 fail :( I rebuilt my PC just to get rid of the EA origin install

you have been warned


Somtin's picture

Whoa okay

Well I was pretty tempted to download it and try it out, but in that case, I won’t bother :P

Fuzz's picture


It’s not that bad… I’d get the free copy if you dont have it already. But… yeah most of us who have played it have developed a hatred for EA (well more of one than before we played it).

It was an OK game…

eldemeer's picture

crap game wouldnt bother, 4’s

crap game wouldnt bother, 4’s alright tho and i got it for free with my gfx card, joy joy

Somtin's picture


I heard the exact opposite from a lot of people.

linuxslacker's picture

i had no gameplay issues with 3

played it on the ps3 other then limited servers that were dead after a month and all the kiddies moved on, the 2gig updates that took 1/2 a day to download everytime you go play and using a god awful controller in a fps game it wasnt all bad

if they ported a battlefield to linux i would pick it up 1st day i really dont feel like going the ps3/4 route again and i dont want to be counted as a windows buyer/freeloader using wine(from what i hear origin doesnt even work in wine and i doubt new battlefields will either since they probably use newer DirectX then what works in wine))

and yeh EA is totally evil they dont even port their games to linux how evil is that i like games too EA give me all of them

willow's picture


Battlefield 3 – fail

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