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Revisions for Battlefield 3 - On the house

Thu, 29/05/2014 - 13:25 by FuzzThu, 29/05/2014 - 17:15 by Fuzz
Changes to Body
Also the game sucks.
Also the game sucks.
You have been warned. In fact I probably shouldn't have posted this blow....
You have been warned. In fact I probably shouldn't have posted this blog....
Deleting in 3.... 2.... 1...
Deleting in 3.... 2.... 1...
Current revision:
Fuzz's picture

Battlefield 3 - On the house

Battlefied 3 appears to be FREE for a short time.

Having played and owned it, I highly suggest you DO NOT GET THIS GAME. It represents all that is evil in PC gaming.

If you do not heed my advice, I suspect you will end up in the same situation as me… owning BF3, but owning none of the $30+ expansion packs, and thus be unable to play on any kind of useful server.

Also the game sucks.

You have been warned. In fact I probably shouldn’t have posted this blog….

Deleting in 3…. 2…. 1…