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Revision of Razer built a laptop with three screens because why not? from Fri, 06/01/2017 - 08:39

Robag's picture

This is nuts

Triple your monitor area, triple your fun

The full article

_Red maybe you can get this one…. :)



Robag's picture

Two Triple-Screen Laptops Were Stolen From Razer's CES Booth

it was so good they stole it lolz

In a Facebook post, Razer CEO Min-Liang Tan said two of their prototype laptops shown off at CES 2017 were stolen. “We treat theft/larceny, and if relevant to this case, industrial espionage, very seriously — it is cheating, and cheating doesn’t sit well with us,” Tan wrote. “Penalties for such crimes are grievous and anyone who would do this clearly isn’t very smart.” Both items were prototype models of a laptop, called Project Valerie, that has three 4K displays. The Verge reports:
Tan says that Razer is working with law enforcement and CES management to investigate. He’s also asking show attendees to email with any info they might have on what happened. A company representative added that a $25,000 reward is being offered for information leading to a conviction. The alleged theft occurred “after official show hours,” says Allie Fried, director of global events communications for the Consumer Technology Association, which runs CES. “The security of our exhibitors, attendees and their products and materials are our highest priority,” Fried wrote in an email to The Verge. “We look forward to cooperating with law enforcement and Razer as the incident is investigated.”


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