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Revision of 2017 Team IPX Championship from Fri, 15/09/2017 - 16:35

Fuzz's picture
Social Event

Welcome to the 2017 Team IPX Championship where each member is pitted against another member in a random event type.

The bracket is ordered by:
1) Membership Level (Founder, Member, Honorary Member)
2) Tenure (Period of time that you have been a member of Team IPX)

The winner gets… I haven’t thought that far ahead. We run a tight ship here at Team IPX

The winner of each match up will be determined by a daily poll posted on

eg. Game 14, between Somtin and Robag JR may be in Olympic Bob Sledding. A poll will be posted on the site, all members will get a chance to vote for the Winner. Winner proceeds to the next round, loser is out.

See below for the draw.


n0mad's picture

n0mad - Thankyou

Just a quick Thanky0u t0 the guys behind the scenes here at IPX;

Fuzz – Awsum Idea to get back into IPX Torneys may there be more and how awsum is challonge
Robag – Awsum commentry as always and sum great Mumble w0rk after we both worked out auto mute can be done we just need the right users :P

and finally to ReD who was always my idea to be the main guy inv0lved in THE808 sadly he c0uldn’t make no 1 but he and Robag did an awsum job in THE 908 so well done ReD ya commentry made you a try IPXer and A v0te fr0m n0mad here f0r Future IPX official member..

Guys Team IPX is a family and in respect t0 0ur real life familys please pass on the w0rds of Shad
“Family – for putting up with us making all sorts of noise throughout all hours of the night”

s0 t0 summarise we are all family here and we may joke around abit but in the end family stick together.

Sum great Laughs were had

chipper's picture

nice post

Nice post n0mad and I couldn’t agree with you more. The effort yourself robag, fuzz and all the others that have and continue to keep the team and site running is greatly appreciated.

Fuzz's picture

First 4 games up

Get your votes in for who you think would win each of these match ups. Feel free to debate either way to convince others.

Once we have some votes for these games, I’ll post the remainder of the first round.

We’ll get through this comp fairly quickly, then move onto season 2. Assuming we get some buy in to this comp, we’ll run a season 2, which will pit members against each other in free to play games, or games both members have (eg Rocket League, Rust etc) in a 1v1 scenario.

Squirrel55's picture

Season Two

I was thinking about this earlier, how an in-game competition could be great.. Of course you’re already a few steps ahead haha.

Fuzz's picture


We’re not far off now